Chapter 3

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OK chapter 3 legoo :))))))))))

 May be a few errors but tell me and I will fix them :)


“What do you want?!?”  I whispered not so quietly because it’s bad enough I had sex with him in a bathroom and now I have to face him again.

“Well I just wanted to give you a warm welcome.”  He smirked deviously at me I shoot him the dirtiest look I could muster up before turning back around in my seat.  Great I’m being punished by the heavenly gods for my sin.  This is not going to be a normal school year after all.

Chapter 3

“Ok students don’t forget your homework assignment due tomorrow.”  Mrs. Cowles shouted as everyone scurried out her classroom.  I see why everyone stares at the clock waiting for the period to be over.  I literally fell asleep with my eyes open!  Since I wanted to avoid Gabe at all cost I maneuvered swiftly around the halls going from class to class. 

“Hey watch where you’re going!”  A guy with dirty blonde hair shoved me out of his way. 

“Hey asshole shove me again and, you’ll wake up without something very valuable to you!”  I yelled.  The guy turned around glaring at me before walking over to me by this time everyone was watching the scene I had caused.

“Excuse me who are you talking to?”  The guy questioned cockily.

“Hmm… I don’t know the giant pink elephant in the hall.”  I said sarcastically causing the hallway to erupt in laughter.  I really don’t see what is so funny this guy is obviously a huge douche bag! 

‘Saved by the bell!’  I thought to myself as the student’s rushed to get to their classes luckily for me I had lunch so I decided to take my good old time.

“Hey that was pretty cool for you to stand up to me no one ever does.”  The same blonde haired boy from earlier approached me.

“Don't thank me for insulting you, it was a pleasure.”  I smirked at him causing him to chuckle slightly.

“Kyle.”  He held his hand out for me to shake.

“Carson.” I shook his hand smiling.

“Well Carson maybe I’ll see you around later I have to get to study hall.”  Kyle said walking in the opposite direction.  I shook my head and, laughed quietly to myself well I made a new friend that’s a plus.  Once in the cafeteria I grabbed a soda and some chips from the vending machines and, found an empty table to sit at.

“Is this seat empty sexy lady?”  I looked up to see Gabe smirking at me does he ever just smile regular.

“Yes and this one will be if you sit down.”  I rolled my eyes preparing to get up and move my seat.

“Feisty I like it Carson almost as much as I liked you in the club that night.” Gabe waggled his eyebrows at me.  That’s it he was pissing me off I got up aiming a punch straight for his eye when my hand was caught in mid air. 

“Carson sit down before you cause a scene on your first day and, you don’t want that do you?”  He whispered in my ear so quiet I barely heard him.  Feeling defeated I huffed and sat down glaring at him.

“So how do you like Creek Hill so far?”  He asked me like we had some sort of friendship going on.

“Did your parents ever ask you to run away?” I asked randomly.

“Yes many of times.”  Gabe chuckled little did he know I was dead serious.  The rest of the lunch period was quiet annoying considering the idiot sat with me.  I only had 2 periods left which went by pretty quickly I sprinted to my car I just wanted to go home.  The ride home though was nice and peaceful gave me time to clear my head for a little.

“Mom I’m home and hungry.  Did you cook anything because could really go for some chicken wings.”  I was surprisingly hungry normally I eat very little must be the stress.  No answer?  Where are they when I need them I’m starving here!


Me and your father went up job hunting since we will be living a normal life here in New York.  I left 20 dollars on the counter for you and your brother order some dinner don’t wait up me and your dad will probably grab something afterwards.

Love, Mom

I waited 30 minutes in till my brother got home to order dinner since I was hungry now.

“Hey kiddo what do you want chinese or pizza?”

“Chinese.”  He yelled running up to his room.  I grabbed the cordless phone and ordered chinese chicken wings, fried rice, and egg rolls.  It only took about 20 minutes for the food to arrive and me being greedy took a boat load to my room along with cookies and other treats.  What?  I’m in the mood for eating.  Then suddenly something made me not want to eat so much anymore as I sprinted for the bathroom.

Ok this to me is a filer chapter exciting things will be happening next but, I need you guys to vote, comment, and fan if your in the mood.


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