Author's Note

24.5K 327 7

Hello my beautiful people!

So it's been a hot minute...
I know some of you must hate me for not updating sooner but for those
who don't follow me, I needed a well earned break.
Mentally I was exhausted with just life in general and I needed time to reset, recharge and well...
get back to me.
I'm hoping my funk with stay at bay.

I've been spending my time on Kindle waaaaaaaay too much and TikTok
needs to stop making me add books to my list because there is way too many
reverse harem stories to read!
But I'm back and with new chapters!!!

I also want to take this time to say a massive thank you to each and everyone
of you who has read this story so far.
Because of you guys
You Are Ours
has reached 357K!
I can't believe it and I'm so grateful, appreciative and thankful for how many of you
love these characters and story.
As always I will be updating in batches, somewhere between four to five chapters at a time,
but so far I don't have a schedule to when.
Just know I will be updating more.

I also would like to say a special thank you to those who sent me messages to
check on me while I was M.I.A.
You guys know who you are and I just want to say thank you for being there.
It may have only been a message here to there but I still appreciate the love.

Stay safe,

Oh! And enjoy the new chapters!

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