1| just a friend

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Sophie strided through the  hall of the foxfire. After 3 years of going to the prestigious school, she finally felt at home. 

"Yo Foster!" Keefe said from across the hallway. He and Fitz were strutting toward her with large grins. 

Fitz rushed up first draping his arm across her shoulders but she shrugged him off shooting him her surliest glare. Fitz immediately turned red. 

Sophie and Fitz had broken up the week before and she had made it quite clear that they were done. 

"Rejected! Rejected! R-e-j-e-c-t-e-d! Rejected! You just got rejected!" Keefe chanted in a sing-songy tone. 

Sophie gave him a playful shove but he just laughed and gave her a little shove before poking his fingers into either side of her neck. 

She squealed, making him laugh harder. 

"Oh, so he gets to do it?!" Fitz faked offense, but Sophie could tell that underneath the joke was a fragile layer, a different layer, it was damaged and cut, much like the sad, broken boy she'd seen in Keefe. 

"Fitz..." she reasoned, placing her hand on his shoulder, but the rest of her thought was interrupted by the loud bell radiating through the crystalized halls of the level 5 wing.

"You'd better get going.." Fitz mumbled "Don't want to be late for elementism." 

"C'mon Foster! I have elvin history over that way," Keefe said in a fancy voice before deepening into a bow and flourishing his hands, holding his left hand out for her to hold, "m'lady" 

"It would be my pleasure." She agreed slipping her fingers through his. 

She loved messing around with Keefe, it was the highlight of her day, but they were just friends, that's all, nothing more...,right? Yeah. Right. She still loved Fitz, maybe someday they would get back together. Keefe was just a friend. As much as she believed this she still found herself whispering it to herself as if she were trying to convince herself..Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend.

She and Keefe walked down the hall as if they were the best of friends, like they had known each other for hundreds, no, thousands of years. It was great she was having so much fun with him that the world around seemed to disappear. Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend

She repeated the call like it was the only thing keeping her from somewhere..... else. 

Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend.Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend.Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend........ 

After what must have been at least 300 times, she actually started to believe it. Because it was true, he was just a friend. Plus, it wasn't like he liked her or anything. Right? All the window sleepovers, the little gifts, the moments under Calla's tree, all the times he called her cute or adorable... they didn't mean something else did they? No. 

Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend.Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend.Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend........ 

All too soon Keefe and Sophie had to go to class.

"See you next class, Foster!" Keefe yelled

"Next class?"

 She thought next class was linguistics 

"Wait is it Thursday already?!" 

"Yup!" He grinned evilly "time for the presentation."

Sophie sighed. She wasn't exactly thrilled. Every year starting in level 4 they had to put on a showcase of their abilities, and she and Keefe were partners. It wasn't really fun to be the only prodigy with FIVE abilities. Although Keefe understood, being in 2nd place for most abilities, with 3. He had since learned to control his new ability, and now it was looked upon as a way to help people , rather than a weapon. She and Keefe had to test their abilities on each other. 

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