[[ Longing Distance II ]]

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Yerin get out from the house right after her late realization about her ceo real identity. In a messy state, Yerin do know that she made a big mistake until she shattered SinB's heart that much.

Now Yerin know the real reason why SinB treated her that way, like they were lovers. Because SinB do know that she deserved to treat Yerin that way. Only is that Yerin was stupid enough to make them apart day by day. Maybe because of that also, SinB didn't have the courage to tell her the truth.

"F*ck Jung Yerin! Stupid!", Yerin cursing herself while crying so hard.

After calling Eunha to ask about SinB's whereabouts, Eunha told her that SinB didn't come to the office for a week already. After that incident that night, SinB keep saying that she was sick and couldn't come to the office like usual.

Which is everyone know its a lie.

Still inside the taxi, Yerin tried to call SinB as many as she can, but no one pick up. Yerin was so worried with the thought that SinB might even tried to kill herself with the heartbreak.

Yerin agree, her actions really could led SinB to do that. She hurt SinB too much with her words. Calling her a filth, looking at her in disgust, humiliating her infront of everyone, and that slap. The fact that it hurt the most is that Yerin was the love of her life. It's the person who you love the most, who hate you the most.

The distance from Incheon to Seoul wasn't that far. Yerin was glad that she was SinB's secretary before, so she do know SinB's house adress.

As soon as she arrived, Yerin push the bells countless time without getting a reply. In the end, Yerin determine to break into the house even tho it would look a bit inappropriate from people's eyes. But forget about other people. Right now, only SinB inside Yerin's mind.

Standing right infront of the door, Yerin realized that theres a passcode lock infront of the door. Yerin scoffed sadly while lifting her head to the air, thinking about the code in disbelief.

"Don't tell me... the code was that..."

Yerin enter the 6 numbers and the door opened, just in her first try. Yerin again cursing herself inside, realizing that the passcode was her birthday.


"You really love me SinB-yah... while me.....", Yerin sighing heavily.

Not wasting much time, Yerin rushed inside the apartment to be surprised at how messy the apartment is. Bottles of soju everywhere on the floor, empty cans of beers and also the unorganized sofa. Depression really hit SinB hard.

Yerin couldn't find SinB at the living room, so she move to open each of the doors available inside the apartment and finally, she saw SinB on the bed.

Tears finally come out from Yerin again, looking at SinB horrible state on the bed. Walking closer towards the sleeping SinB, Yerin finally lying herself right next to the girl, as SinB's bed was pretty big for 2 people.

Looking into SinB's face deeply, Yerin caressed her fingers onto SinB's cheek. This is it, the same slim cheek she touched 14 years ago. Fixing SinB's hairs, plucking it behind her ears while looking at SinB swollen eyes really couldn't help Yerin from letting out another drop of tears.

Cupping SinB's right cheek with her left hand, Yerin caressed her thumb gently on SinB's soft skin before calling her out, smiling sadly towards the sleeping girl.

"Hey.....", Yerin said gently.

SinB swollen eyes slowly opens, later meeting Yerin teary eyes. SinB was confused, but she was too weak to do anything. Still in the same lying position, she talked to Yerin.

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