|What Happened to Katherine?|

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Continuing from chapter 3///

-Michelle was all night cleaning up all the black liquid that Katherine had threw up all over her kitchen floor-  

 {there were two girls in the class talking about the fire at the club that Michelle and Katherine were at}      :Girl 1- " I heard Michelle and Katherine were there and they had to fight their way out with a machete":      :Girl 2- "Look she's not even moving":     :Girl 1- "It's called post-traumatic stress disorder", my dad was in operation Enduring Freedom, and he totally like stopped talking for like months":     -Michelle had a flashback of her and Kathrine from when they were little playing in the sandbox with barbies, "why do I have to be ugly Ashley? - "oww" [Katherine scratches herself on a pin] -   [Michelle pulls it out of her hand and sucks the blood away]   "Don't tell my mom about this she'll give me a shot"   "I never tell on you"   -Michelle snaps out of it from Katherine's voice-  " Where's it at Michelle"?   {Katherine says smiling at Michelle} "You're alright"!   "Yeah, why wouldn't I be"?  "But last night at my house you w-were-"  "You have a tendency to overreact, you remember when we were in girl scout camp and you totally thought there was an earthquake but it was just to guys with a  big radio basing"    /Katherine laughs/   "People died Katherine it's like all over the news"   "national news"   -Katherine looks over at Michelle applying lip-gloss-   " anybody that we know"?  "We know everyone"  " sucks to be them I guess"  - Michelle asks Katherine what's wrong with her-   " what's wrong with you besides the obvious surface flaws"?    < they both look at each other in complete silence> 

(Michelle narrates)

"I knew it was real"  -Michelle tells us this while shes crying-   " I'd been up all night scrubbing the carnage off the linoleum".   ;Katherine;-  " Please don't talk to yourself  its one of your freakish Michelle behaviors and it makes us both look like total gaylords" .   

:Michelle shows Katherine her nails from the night before:  Katherine-  " EW. Fuck".  "You need a mani bad"   "You should find a Chinese chick to buff your situation".     [  Classroom door closes] 

-The teacher is now talking to the whole class-

 " This is a dark, dark day... for "Devilthorn". "And believe me I have lived through some- pretty heavy stuff".  "We lost eight precious students... including Aadi from India, several parents... and our beloved Spanish teacher, Isla  Gomez".  

-Katherine talking to Michelle-   " No way".   Gomez ate shit"?         -Teacher is talking again-   "Now more than ever, put aside your teenage concerns about who's a cool dude or who's a hoe". ----Katherine laughs----.   "We can't let that damn fire win"    -Katherine tells Michelle in a jokingly tone of voice-  "It already won"       "God bless you kids".     ;A boy that's in the class that's gonna be in another scene later on starts crying, then the teacher hands him a tissue;

  ---Michelle walks down the hall and she see a girl crying and her friends comforting her---    /The bell rings\     =Jacob, Michell's boyfriend start walking and talking with her/=    "There's no band practice today".   Michelle adds on-    "There's no anything today".   _Jacob talking again_-     "Its surreal right"?   "When one person dies in Devilthorn, it's like time stops"     /Michelle talking again-    "Feel guilty just breathing".    /Jacob talking again-   "Word"     -Back to Michelle- "Jacob, I need to tell you something kinda weird"     "Its about Katherine"    "What"    " You know how last night we were talking and someone came to my house"?    "It was Katherine"     "She looked like she had been beaten up or shot or something"    "And then she barfed up this, like, disgusting, prickly stuff that looked like roadkill and, like, sewing needles mixed together"   "Yuck"   "Well she probably inhaled  alot of smoke or something"    "No,  Jacob No it was like-"   "It was like evil"    "Michelle I think you might wanna talk to the school shrink"   "Im not saying that to be a asshole"    "Jacob I don't tell whoppers, ( whoppers means  big lies)   and I'm not crazy".  "I didn't say you were crazy". "It's just, everybody's a little messed up about this, and it's okay to feel"— "Discombobulated"?  "Yeah. Fucked up".

----Michelle and Jacob are still waling in the hallway talking then they run into a emo hot boy (in my opinion) named Dexter he starts talking----

"Hey, Michelle".  - "Oh, hi, Dexter".-   "I heard you were there last night in the fiery trenches". "Yeah". "Well, I'm glad you didn't die". - "Thanks".-   "Seriously".

"How are you friends with Dexter"? "I thought Dexter only talked to the Dead Girls".    "I just am". "We have Creative Non-fiction together". "He's a really good writer". "He's, like, all dark and emotional and stuff".  "Oh. Well, I'm like that too". "I mean, I can relate". "You know, I'm not all obvious about it, like a poser".  "Walk me home"?   "You know it, babe".

(The scene changes and now Katherine is talking to the boy (in the woods) that was from a different scene that was crying in the classroom)

"Hi.   Hey,    Katherine".   "I'm crazy sorry about your profound loss".       [ Sniffles ]      " You are crying about Zach , right"? "He was my best friend". "You know, I was there last night, and I was probably the last person to talk to him, like, ever".  "Wow". "You know what he said"?  "Zach said that he always thought you and me..."  "Would make a totally banging couple". "Isn't that just so weird"?    "He— He said ''banging"?  "Feel my heart, Andrew".  "I think it's broken".   "Mine too". "You come with me, just for a little while". "It's what Zach would have wanted". -   "Yeah".-  "Yeah".  [ Bird Squawking ]     "You're so warm".  "Why are you so warm"?   "Shutties".     [ Cawing]      [Barking In Distance ]    [ Squawking ]     "Katherine".    "Kath".    "what"?    "Look".   "Mm-hmm". [Chuckles ]    "They're waiting".   "Okay". "Mmm".  "Do you miss Zach"?   "Of course".   "Well, you're gonna see your buddy really soon".  "What, you mean, like, in heaven someday"? "Nope". ( Katherine unzips her jacket shirt and pushes Andrew against the tree)    (Katherine goes in for the kill and eats Andrew)      [ Roaring ]        [Jonas Screaming ]   "God".     [ Screaming Continues ]

So this was CHAPTER 4 continuing from CHAPTER 3.

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