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Four years later

I finished packing me and Tenko's bags. Inko wanted us gone by sunset.

You may be asking, "why?" Well it's because he is too 'problematic,' as Inko puts it.

For starters, he was the product of a one-night-stand that Inko had 9 years ago. She left him with the abusive father, to start a clean slate.

In case you were wondering, he joined the family, again, when Izuku was born and she finally decided to tell me about him.

Well, that and he ended up killing the abusive bastard when his quirk kicked in.

That was 5 years ago, after a little after Izuku was born. This gave Inko and I a mess to clean, up but the asshole deserved it.

Another incident is when he told Inko he didn't want to attend church. I didn't see why he had to if he didn't want to go. It wasn't like you could force him to believe.

The last straw was when Tenko said that he thought this white haired boy in his class was "cute."

I didn't think much of it because, well, love is love and he's only nine anyways.

Inko, though, was furious.

She was done with him and wanted him out, but what she didn't understand was that he was only 9.

So I decided to leave and take him with me. I loved her, but she was becoming someone I didn't recognize.

There was one thing holding me back though.

My daughter, Izuku.

I was nervous about leaving her with the woman, but it's not like she could do anything worse to her...right?

I mean, Izuku was a niko, which was already a problem for her. Izuku found out a way to hide his ears and tail though. They kinda just 'disappear.'

This was a method she learned at the age of two; she didn't like the looks Inko gave her.

I was taken away from thoughts as a little hand tugged at my pants leg.

I looked down to see big green eyes staring up at me and a mop of white hair.

Short hair.

Izuku never liked long hair much. She would babble a lot about "not wanting to look too girly all the time, and only sometimes." so I just ended up making sure it stayed short for her.

"Hey, bud," I whispered to her as I ruffled the mess of hair. She scrunched you her nose at me and huffed.

"Where are you going pop?" She questioned, eyes growing wider.

I sighed. "Me and your brother have to leave, okay?"

"No don't go!"

"Shhh, quiet down. I don't your mother to scold you"


"Don't be- oh. I almost forgot something." He handed Izuku a piece of paper with an address and number on it.

"In case of emergencies"

He smiled at her before walking to Tenko's room, Izuku following close behind.

She ran up to her big brother hugging him tightly.

"-gonna miss you Tenko.." Tenko smiled down at her.

"I'm gonna miss you, too" I could see tears start to form in his eyes.

He didn't deserve this.

I understand that Inko grew up in a religious orphanage that 'perfected' her, but that didn't mean she had to 'perfect' her children.

"Come one son, it's almost sunset." Be didn't want to have to cut their goodbye short, but it was best not to anger Inko further.

As they walked to the door, they Inko standing beside it.

"You can come back, Tenko, when you learn to get such foolish thoughts out of your head."

"That's quit enough, Inko! We're leaving now" I was starting to get fed up with that woman.

Once we stepped outside, one of my drivers pulled into one of the lots and we quickly drove away to my main villain base.

End of ch. 2

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