2:49 am • michael afton☆

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| 𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
| sfw
| warnings: swearing, readers in a band, michael afton with a nose piercing, oc named ben (your cousin), b/n =brothers name

'It's always tease, tease, tease You're happy when I'm on my knees One day it's fine and next it's black So if you want me off your back Well, come on and let me know Should I stay or should I go?'

you groaned sitting up in your bed, the music was muffled but definitely loud, you knew exactly where it was coming from. the aftons.

rubbing your eyes as your feet hit the floor, glancing at the clock 2:49 am. yawning as you pulled the tangled blanket from you, looking out your window— which was directly across from michaels. you fumbled with the lock on your window then pushing it up, sighing as the warm breeze hit you.

looking around for something to throw, but not able to break his window. you walked over to your desk clicking on your lamp before moving around your things trying to find something. glancing over at your bookshelf spotting the tiny sea shells in a jar from the beach you went to a couple years ago, you walked over to it, opening it and taking a handful out then went back to the window.

carefully throwing them, not too hard and not too soft hoping that he'd hear them. "afton!" you shouted hoping not to wake anyone in your house up.

your plan worked, thankfully. hearing the music turn down then michael was in view, pushing up his window. michaels hair was messy, and the bandaid on his cheek stood out.

"y/l/n!" michael shouted back.

"if you're gonna play music so loud that the whole neighborhood feels like an earthquake is happening, have it be good— like madonna or something" you laughed leaning out of your window.

Michael rolled his eyes playfully, "or you could play my own music" you added with a smirk, "you wish! my dads shitty diner has better music than your shitty ass band" michael bit back with a breathy laugh.

you gasped faking being offended, "wow and to think i was gonna give you a free signed cd" you said shaking your head, crossing your arms dramatically.
"yeah also the whole 'call me' cover at the mall was awful" Michael teased running his hands through his hair. "your sister seemed to like it" you said cocking your head and raised your brows. you remembered when his sister pushed threw a medium-sized crowd trying to find where the music was coming from, then came a grumpy Michael chasing after her with evan trailing not far behind him. you could hear her faint little "y/n! it's me Elizabeth!" causing you to wave at her with a smile.

Michaels's laugh brought you out of your thought. "only because liz cant differentiate good music from bad music" he said crawling out of his window and onto his roof. "mhm sure" you teased.

you watched him play with shingles on his roof. "heard you got your nose pierced" you said changing the subject, watching him smirk.

"yeah, like last week" Michael shrugged and looked at you, "ben did it" he added causing you to bust out laughing.

"ben really? i'm surprised its not fucked up since he did it" you laughed out, Michaels's smile growing bigger — remembering the time ben tried to do his own piercing and failing terribly.

"how'd your dad take it?" you asked looking out into the woods behind yours and his house. michael sighed, deeply, "just a simple eye roll and telling me not to get anything else done, mom was the worst though— whole lecture and shit" he said shaking his head, smug smirk on his face.

"fuck afton- i'd give you a lecture too, knowing ben did it" you shuddered trying not of getting your nose or eyebrow pierced by your cousin even though he had offered many times before. you don't even trust him with a fork let alone let him do that. "s'not that bad" Michael said before looking over at the other houses.

michael slipped his hands into his pockets, shaking his head to mess with his hair and sniffled.
"you going to evans birthday party next week?" he asked, him now the one to change the subject. you furrowed your brows and looked at him "i don't know. why? is this an invitation?" you asked with a smile.

"shut up" he laughed, "but i know evans planning on asking b/n to come. thought i'd see if you would go also" he added almost sounding nervous. "i might make a guest appearance" you joked then a light bulb went off.

"actually mike-" you started but was cut off, "told you to stop calling me mike" he said with a huff. you rolled your eyes.

"anyways micheal i'll make you a deal. i'll go to evans party if you go to (random diner name) thursday. the lady that owns it asked us to play there for her and her wife's anniversary" you said with a smile, hoping he'd agree.

michaels eyes closed as he laughed, "now why would i go and watch a shitty band play when i have one i can go to anytime i want and also not have to pay for anything" he said, still occasionally laughing.

"thought you'd might like a change in scenery, and i'll pay for your food if you go" you said crossing your arms. you watched him think, taking in his features as he seemed to be debating on taking the offer.

Michael nodded, "alright we have a deal y/n" he said and smiled wide. "i'd have you shake on it but ya know" you said gesturing to the distance between you both. Michael nodded again, getting up and slipping into his room through his window.

you looked over at your clock, 4:32 am then looked back at him. you watched him turn off his lamp, now he was light with only the moonlight.
"goodnight y/n" Michael yawned and was about to pull his window down but waited a minute for you say it back.

"goodnight mike" you said then heard him huff "shut up" before hearing his window shut, you clicked off your lamp then shut your window. looking back at his window you could see the lamp come on for a second. michael stood there, flipping you off with a smirk before the light went out again.

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