Norton and Sally planning parties for both of them

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Miley says what it looks like we ride that town Ada Says to her think this would help your daughter out I hear it's pretty nutty when her and him get together and when they do it me and now she didn't accidentally turned into the wolf then either hurt him or eat him is that correct so I'm wondering a whistle like this would calm her down Miley says to her yeah of course that would help out a lot because you go wolf molding when you're getting physical with your significant other it can get a bit hairy yes that would totally help emil said to her you think she'll like something like this holding up two packs of alcoholic coffee Miley smiles and says yes she'll love it you know her that well so that's understandable why you too would get her like that she appreciate it now or wet though yeah so what are you guys going to get for him Ada laughing said more candles magnetic nothing too personal because it for Fiona did you not us we just got to get him something that he can use I'm pretty sure Oh fancy candles says emil these ones smell good yeah this one definitely hopefully he doesn't hate it Ada says to emil and he says to
He well it's always the thought that counts got a couple of things since cake and different party ideas they can think of and they start heading back to the wolves in a couple minutes later they arrive home Ada says to Fiona and she looks at the things I got yeah this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun and they show her the gifts and she laughs and says his ideas for the candles emil says to her yeah my idea What is cancel Fiona says to him I think he'll appreciate that but it smells really good but hey maybe he'll like the smell to help thank you guys so much you're a couple minutes later they get the party ready and everybody says too Norton hey says to everybody oh thanks guys thanks for all oh Fiona you got something for me oh OK oh she kisses him on the lips it says to him oh I got something really special and planned for you this summer reason this is one of your gifts from Emil it is says trying to say something where are you worried gonna be have a kids what you don't want our kids being the same age she says to emil me and he just says to her no I'm not really worried about nothing and I just got to be something that you could use I don't know I don't know what else to get you both her idea what his favorite snack oh my favorite snack he says to them both donuts really like those and it looks like that's what you guys got cake whoa and change shape of like one of my magnets that is so cool just to let you know you're not celebrating this party alone even though it's not her birthday just yet but it's pretty damn close says Ada to Norton I guessing you plan on relaxing the rest of that day she says to Sally as well relaxing and open your gift Sally says to her grandfather waiting for the gifts in her face what the hell is this thing Sally oh stupid that you keep on talking about it it's really hard to get a hold of so Arthur and another thing me and your grandmother that earth may be helping pay for a family vacation will do as much vacation as long as you can well as long as you're feeling able because once you hit a certain age you don't feel like doing a whole lot it's Sally open to up her gift from our great great grandfather who Cool PlayStation 5 I don't really have games for this though not yet I'm hoping I can still play my PlayStation 4 it's not Agnes hang onto it my place for I mean what the hell is this better not Final fantasy 7 I already have it for the PlayStation 4 even though there might be some things on this one that there is this one she opens it up and she's not really shocked to see that it is  Final fantasy 7 I guess I have two different version of this met someone a start oh dude cool she says what she sees but treat Norton got for a gift from Ada and emil different flavors of donuts hell yeah yeah if you don't mind can I have what she says to him I had a hell not  my sharing with friends well I'm slowly getting to know you Sally says to him hey look who's begging from ya he he looks down and sees that Sasha is bending give into her look here you go girl  had some fun out there partying all good Jess On April 2 they celebrate it Novelist and Martha The same time because you're just it far from one another Sally admittedly thinks it's kind of fucked up The game celebrated her character birthday and not his but she's somewhat glad that the fan stayed just a little bit she noticed yes it is she's just taking noticed that the heads in certain character some gets something another tonight like my roommates my lead not until I told her we have to worry about theirs anyway Ada  says to her that is really weird how some of us Game celebrates summer less no all of us the fans seem like they well her son looks like that for him poor boy I can see other people respond about me and well Emil million know that one thing that makes me roll my eyes at some of them emil  wants to beat the shit out of them Sally says to her and explains why I want to draw you with freaking angel wings and another size of you with devil horns because that's how other people see you but I don't see you that way I see you just the same way Emil sees you and the people that have their head up their ass wow you know how I feel about them thank you says Ada To Sally she say she says someday we're gonna be too old  doing all this manner shit Sally says to her don't worry about that just right now just enjoy it life to its  while you can all

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