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Yns pov

Today I wasn't really feeling so well so I just decided to turn off my phone and lay in bed all day.

Jaylas pov

I kept trying to message yn but she wouldn't answer I'm not sure if I did something or not but I didn't try again after she didn't answer the first few times

It's been a few hours now and she still hasn't answered so I decided to message her mom but all her mom said she has been in her room all day and that she has been ignoring everyone all day so I decided to stop by her house and see what was up


Before I got to her house I stopped at the seven eleven near my house to get us some slushes and yn her favourite candy (mine is those candy smokes idk bout y'all but they just hit different). After I payed I left and drove straight to her house.

Once I got there and knocked on the door her mom opened it and just said "she's in her room" I nodded, smiled and just walked straight upstairs. I knocked on her bedroom door but I didn't get an answer so I opened it and she was j laying on her bed watching IS IT CAKE (srry I've been binge watching that lol)

Y: oh uh hey

She said while sniffling a bit and moving over to make some room so I could sit w/ her

J: hey! Why haven't you been answering anyone?

I said as I pulled her on my chest and gave her a little peck an the lips

Y: I'm sorry I just haven't been feeling well and I decided to just turn off my phone and rest all day.

J: it's fine. I brought u a slushie and some snacks!
I passed her the slushie and the candy smokes and she jumped up smiled and screamed

J: yesssssss there ur favourite so I got u them
Y: omg thank you so much she said giving me a kiss and then laying back down beside me. We cuddled for the rest of night and watched tv.

Sorry I didn't post earlier. I had a horrible but fun day. I fell down my stairs twice and it was the same staircase both times. The first time I fell I was running from my sister and slipped down them and the second time I fell while holding a vacuum in my hands. It was hilarious but it hurt also I tried to do that one trend on tiktok where it's like 'I was looking in the wrong section how could I be so stupid' and when I jumped on my bed I fell and bruised my hip. Anyways enjoy.

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