Chapter one

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Authors note: all of the places or streets I use I have no idea if they exist. I'm just making them up so I hope that y'all like it. Enjoy

Khaleesi's pov:
I guess maybe I know somewhere, deep in my gut, that love never lasts. Well not with me anyway. I sit and I watch the endless amount of couples that walk past me. Rubbing their love in my face. I admire how they're so engrossed with each other. The way they look at each other. Like nothing else in the world exists. Just them. It's the same exact way I used to look at all of my ex's. Well ex. I've only had one boyfriend and that lasted all of 3 months. But yet I couldn't hold on to him. I was just another lost soul trying to find the one to spend this everlasting journey with.

And isn't so fucking terrifying that no matter how many promises they made, no matter how long you've been together or how much time you've spent together, someone can get up and walk straight out of your life without a second thought and you have to carry on living because the world doesn't stop for any of us.

So here I sit in the comfort of a small cosy cafe situated on the corner of Pitt st and main ave. I sit and I wait. Wait for the one who is going to swoop in and steal my heart. The one to look at me like I'm their everything and I'm all that matters in this world. I don't know why I chose a ghost town of a cafe but it was quiet and warm and I enjoyed the silence.

Except though, Until recently, I never really enjoyed silence. I felt uncomfortable with the sounds people came accustomed to, but I couldn't. I think it was because the sound of silence was the sound of loneliness and no one needing me. Up until now, I tried to focus on insignificant details so I wouldn't have to think about the whole idea of it. Up until now silence was me tapping my pen on a blank piece of paper and my breath getting short, silence was background music I didn't realise was playing until it stopped. Silence was waiting for my phone to light up with harsh words because that's all people use to say to me. Thinking about it now, silence was inexplicably loud. Now, silence is the wind blowing through the trees as I try to relate their movements to the people who surround me. Silence is the sound of cars passing heading to wherever they're going. Silence is me waking up in the morning with a smile on my face because I found beauty in the world. I guess silence isn't loneliness anymore. It's just quiet, comfort.

I guess I just wanted to find someone to spend quiet times with. To curl up on a cold winters night in front of a blazing fire with. To hold and to love every second of every day and feel the same thing back. Like one of those love stories I read in the variety of second hand books I picked up at little stands. I know maybe one day, I'll find what I'm looking for. But until then. I'll sit and wait and admire other peoples love stories.

"Ah I think that's long enough." I mumbled to my self as I typed the last word and posted it on my blog. Writing was one of my hobbies. I liked to express myself but could only manage to do that by writing about it. So I decided to start a blog. It didn't bother me wether other people read it or not. I didn't do it for anyone else anyways.

I rubbed my icy hands together quickly before wrapping them around my steamy cup of tea. My fingers finding warmth as I let out a sigh of relief. "Can I get anything else for you darlin?" A feminine voice sounded from beside me. I slowly glanced up to see an older Italian women smiling sweetly at me as she clutched a pen and notebook in her hands. I politely shook my head no and whispered a "thank you though" while throwing her a slight smile. "Ok then love. If you want anything just holla" she said before walking away. I found myself longingly looking out the cafe window again. Staring at all the people who walked by. Trying to figure out their stories.

I scanned the streets of New York and my eyes landed on a young man. Quite dashing too. His messy brown hair was styled in a quiff with one thick blonde streak at the front. He was rugged up and smiling at his friend beside him. I couldn't see much of his facial details because he was across the road waiting patiently to cross. I watched at he shoved his friend slightly and laughed. I was hypnotised by his every move. His eyes slowly met mine as I felt a blush creep up on me. I wonder how long I had been staring. He grinned at me and threw me a cheeky wink. I felt the heat on my cheeks grow and quickly looked away allowing my long brunette hair to fall and cover my face from his view.

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