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The bus ride to the USJ was awkward. They had only known each other 3 days but some of the more extraverted students were trying to break the ice. It was going well and started to feel like a normal field trip with a caterpillar/hobo man and 20 superpowered teenagers in a self driving bus.

 What is it Tuesday?

Anyway on the way over to the USJ there was a lull in conversation. They didn't really know what else to talk about. Tsuyu being the blunt person she was, was the first to break the tension.

"Midoriya kun I was just wondering what your quirk was since it wasn't obvious in the quirk assessment test like the others were and you got 7th place,"

"Oh yeah about that," Midoriya says rubbing the back of his neck.

"The shitty nerd ain't got one," Bakugou says from the back of the bus.

Everyone turns and stares at Deku as he folds in on himself nervously.

"Well, you see..." he says barely comprehendible.

"Quirkless," Iida says as if it tastes bitter on his mouth.

"So what?," says uraraka as everyone's heads turn.

"Yeah what does it matter," Tsuyu says confidently.

Midoriya's friends stick up for him as the rest of class argue with each other.

It warms Izuku's heart to hear his friends stick up for him but a stabbing feeling of guilt starts to build up. It's happening again just like at Aldera first it's the dirty looks, then the insults behind his back, and lastly the bullying begins. These things have made up every relationship he's had in the last 16 years even his mother hated him so the fact that uraraka, Tsuyu and Yaoyorozu were willing to fight for him made him happy.

The tension is high as they got off the bus but Aizawa sensei either doesn't notice or doesn't care (probably the ladder) because he just ushers them into the large domed shaped building to see rescue hero thirteen waiting with open arms and a big smile.

Unlike Aizawa thirteen picks up on the tension straight away but tries to distract them with their speech about their quirk black hole and facts about the USJ. It works too, some of the kids (I'm looking at you uraraka) were fan boying/Girling over the hero and her quirk.

Everyone was excited to get started

 but then, 

the villains came.


The swirling mist caught everyone's attention and even though the man looked half asleep, Aizawa sensei immediately went in to fight them.

They watched as dozens of villain came through the portal by the fountain. They were lead by a tall scrawny pale man with shrivelled skin and multiple severed hand scattered around his body walked into the plaza with a giant bird creature with an exposed brain and a man made of mist with a metal neck brace and suit.

"Thirteen protect the students!" Aizawa said as he jumped down the stairs, capture scarf in hand.

Thirteen was directing the speechless children towards the door as  the swirling mist teleported right in front of them but it had yellow eyes.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave," The swirling mist says

"I am kurogiri and we are the league of villains," kurogiri says as thirteen stands in front of students protectively.

"My mission is to scatter and kill you," He says nonchalantly.

"Not if I have to say anything to say about it, black hole!" Thirteen says.

kurogiri didn't seem phased as his body started to disintegrate. He created a portal to block thirteens quirk but it started flickering and flashing white and what looked like pieces of shoes come flying out. Kurogiri opened a second portal behind thirteen and they screamed as their back was disintegrated by their own quirk.

"Now without that minor inconvenience out of the way time to scatter you," 

A large portal opened up engulfing the students in his mist. They sunk into the portal as their screams were heard throughout the dome. A few students were able to escape but not many.

Kurogiri was about to open another portal when he heard the remaining students making their plans right in front of him.

"Little tip for you future heroes,"

" Don't plan in front of your enemy," kurogiri said as they turn towards him.

"It doesn't matter if you can hear us," uraraka says as she runs at kurogiri hand outstretched for his neck brace. She touches it and he floats to the ceiling.

"Because you must have a physical body somewhere," she yells.

in all the commotion nobody noticed the portal from earlier continuing to flicker.

Iida ran out the doors just out of kurogiri reach.

"Tomura is not gonna be happy with this," kurogiri says as he teleports down to the plaza as Aizawa sensei's head is being smashed into the ground by the giant bird creature.

The students on the staircase take care of thirteen as the villains attack their classmates down below. They felt weak and start to realise the reality about what is going to happen when they graduate and become pro heroes.


 All might comes running in with his ever present smile not on his face.

"I am here"

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief as all might starts fighting with the bird mutant person? Taking the focus on aizawa and giving midoriya, mineta and tsuyu a chance to get him to safety.

"You'll never beat my nomu! He was made to kill you,"

Todoroki and Bakugou come into the plaza to help fight the now identified nomu just as he's about to start monologuing he gets shot full of holes (thankfully, nobody was in the mood to hear about how much he hates all might). 

The UA staff come running through the doors just as the nomu is catapulted through the ceiling by all might.

Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki escape through a portal  as the remaining students make their way to the main entrance.

Police sirens go off and the teachers begin rounding up and checking up on the students.

all might disappeared right after the remaining villains were apprehended but nobody was focusing on him as the EMT's lifted a wounded thirteen into an ambulance.

Principal Nezu though was more  interested in the portal in the entrance that was still there even after kurogiri left. Principal Nezu started investigating the mysterious portal as the students gave their statements to the police. It was the most interesting thing he had witnessed in years and it was exciting him.

Suddenly a tall man wrapped in blood stained bandages was thrown from the portal and onto the stone floor. He was holding a large titanium scythe and was slowly sitting up with a pained expression on his face.

"Man why is it always the stomach? First the bullets and scythe incident and now this. I need some padding honestly man," He said in a coarse voice.

Nezu stands there speechless.

Just as the remaining students, teachers and detectives gather around another person falls through the portal. 

She's a small blonde girl with a bloody white striped t shirt and coat with black shorts. Her feet are smeared in blood and you can see the muscle in her foot as she cries out in pain.

The mysterious  man runs over to her as she starts to lose consciousness. One of the EMT's tries to help her but the bandaged man stops her.

"Who the hell are you people?" he yells.

" My name is Principal Nezu and you have some explaining to do,"

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