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    Invisibility isn't always worn as a cloak.
    Sometimes it's worn like a big, oversized hoodie, or maybe the pair of leggings I've worn three times this week.
    The good thing about invisibility is that nobody actually notices it's my third time wearing them this week.
    "Mrs. Turner are you listening? Would you like to tell the class what you received on your last assessment in order to finally have incentive for your next one?" Mrs. Rodriguez's shrill voice rings through the classroom, startling me from my trance.
I wish I could dig her head into the wall. "No, it's okay. Sorry."
    I turn back to my worksheet, pretending to scribble things down, pretending to give a shit about anything that's going on inside the class.
    For a while I really did try.
    I have almost every single lecture from first semester memorized inside my head. I'm quite sure I became a tape recorder the first couple weeks of school. Unfortunately, — as much as studying, and as much dutiful attention I paid —I managed to barely pass math.
    It's not that I'm stupid.
    I think.
    I just don't think any of this is as simple as people make it out to be. Proving that triangles are in fact triangles is beyond me.
    They could be teaching us how to brew the cure for cancer, or perhaps teaching us about global warming, but instead we're sitting inside our own government funded jail cell doing absolutely nothing but stare at empty walls.
    The bell rings and I pack my things, rushing to make it out the door.
    I try not to look around, I try to keep my eyes forward. I've tried for the last five months and always fail miserably.
    It's like a magnetic pull that's only evoked when he's near. It's like being near fireworks, there's this insatiable need to watch them light up in all their glory, and then you remember they cause air pollution.
    I lift my gaze and watch as he takes control of the entire hallway. Everyone's eyes are locked away for him, their vision kept in a small safe called "Cade Steele."
    Makes a fool out of us all.
    I break my stare and shake my head distraught.
Pull it together Kaia Turner.
    I'm not a Cade Steele groupie, and frankly I'd rather cut my tongue off than talk to him even once.
    There's a piece of me, a sliver, that hopes one day he'll stare back.
     I'm tired of stealing shameful glances at him during friend and family gathering's. I hate seeing him around my friends, laughing as if the entire world were truly at his feet. He charms the world with a single show stopping, all-american-boy smile. The entire world becomes putty through his hands, melting with the simple sound of his voice.
    I hate seeing him smile. I hate it even the most when it reaches his eyes.   
    I attend the rest of my periods, biting my tongue at every urge to speak. Sometimes it's better to not say anything.
    I drag my fork along the edges of the school lunch tray, watching the prongs dig small little holes inside the styrofoam.
    "Kaia! Are you even listening?!"
    No. "Yes, keep going." I say back to an anxious Jennifer who's practically hyperventilating from whatever conversation she seemed to think she was having with me.
    "Who would've thought he'd even notice me! I invited him to my birthday party and he said he'd show up!" She grabs ahold of my shoulders and shakes them enthusiastically, "He's coming to my birthday party Kaia!" She makes careful detail of enunciating the "he."
    I let out a laugh, hoping that convinces her I've been paying attention. "That sounds great Jen. I'm happy for you."
    She continues her avid lecture, using large hand gestures and shrill laughs to fill in the gaps of her nonsensical stories.
    Jane sits on the other side of the lunch table, smiling and giggling at her sister. She's much quieter than Jennifer. I'd say Jane and I are more compatible than Jennifer and I ever will be.
    Jennifer and Jane are twins. The sort of twins who were probably mixed up and confused until a couple years ago. The sort of twins who wore identical clothing to school freshman year because they thought it was cute, and had a hard awakening when they realized how weird everyone thought it was.
    Yet, they're also the sort of twins who will never manage to finish each other's sentences.
    "How are your grades?" Jennifer's voice asks, peering her eyes narrowly at my torn up lunch tray.
    My cheeks flush in embarrassment, for both the question, and the tray. "I'll get them up before the semester. I have to, or I'll end up crucified by my mom."
    I exhale a frustrated breath, my embarrassment turned into exasperation.
    "I love your mom so much!" Jennifer glees, smiling at the thought of my mom.
    I shrug slightly, shrinking into my chair.
    Jane sends a glare towards Jennifer.
    I smile internally. Go Jane!
    Jennifer's smile slips off her face as she gives Jane a what? kinda look, she shrugs, and her usual chatter continues.
Elliot walks into the cafeteria, taking a seat next to to Jane and a seemingly silent Gabby.
It's as if some godly entity has graced our table, as if he's blessed us with his mighty gift of perpetually good looks. Jennifer's back straightens and her posture becomes annoyingly perfect, she brings a hand to her hair and ruffles it just enough so she looks begrudgingly perfect. She flashes her best smile and faces Elliot.
"Hey Elliot!" She breathes.
He smiles politely. "Hey Jen," He looks around and finally comes to face me, "Hey Kylie!"
"Hey Elliot." I respond back. Jennifer's smile holds on as long as it possibly can, gripping onto her face, knowing it's falling off a steep cliff.
She reaches out to Elliot and sweeps a lost strand of his brown hair off his forehead, brushing her fingers on his skin. Her welcoming smile turns shy and impossibly coy.
    Don't roll your eyes Kaia.
"You had something in your hair, you're very welcome Elliot." She says with full satisfaction.
I wonder sometimes if Jennifer realizes how obvious everything she does is. She's truly an open book. It's almost as if she were a glass box covered in translucent pink paper, with a big bright white bow at the top that reads Open When You're Ready!,
except it doesn't matter if you open it or not, because you can see right through it.
Elliot stares at Jennifer disconcertedly and does nothing but give her a short smile. He turns to face me, his elbows propped on the table. "I stayed up watching that one show you told me to watch, it was really good."
"Yes!" He exhales, his brown eyes widening.
    "What did you think?"
    "I've watched that show before too! It's a bit disturbing." Jennifer grimaces.
     I smile at her confession. "It's meant to be. Shock value or whatever."
    "I liked it," he pauses, "it's refreshing."
I look towards Gabby who's lost somewhere between her phone and her thoughts, "Gabs are you okay?"
She jolts her head towards me sucking in a sharp inhale of breath. "Yes, yes I am. I'm just arguing with Gale right now." She frowns.
"Why?" I ask, taking a bite of my apple.
"Stupid things, don't worry about it though," Her frown all of a sudden becomes a gallant smile, "What were we talking about?"
"About You." Elliot responds.
"Me? Why were all you talking about me? Is that why Kaia was so excited?"
"No! We were literally talking about You." Jennifer laughs. Jane takes a sip of her chocolate milk.
"Me?" Gabby questions, looking more confused than ever.
Before I can specify, Jane's milk spits out from between her lips as she lets out a large chuckle. Unfortunately, I'm sitting in front of Jane. I close my eyes and grace for the feeling of the liquid as it hits my face and clothes. The milk flies across the table and splatters all over my white hoodie.
I shake my head as Jane apologizes profusely, still trying to control her previous laughter.
"It's okay, it's okay. I have a change of clothes inside my backpack." I say, trying to dissipate Jane's guilty look.
    The bell rings and we all say our goodbyes. Jane doesn't stop apologizing, a frown etched between every apology. I rush through the hall haphazardly, trying to take my second change of pants. I turn left and dip into the bathroom, still rustling through all my things. I open a stall and proceed to take my clothes off, stripping all my clothes on the floor. As I'm putting my new pair of leggings on, I accidentally kick my shoe into the stall next to mine.
"Hey! You in the stall next to me! Can you reach my shoe for me? Sorry!" I wince, stretching my hand below the stall.
    God, this is so embarrassing.
    I silent hand hands me my converse sneaker and I smile gratefully, even if she can't see me. "Thanks... uh... champ!"
    Champ? Are you fucking serious?
    I finish changing and I close the stall. I head towards the sink, turning on the faucet, letting the cold water run on my hands.
    The stall that handed me my shoe unlocks behind me.
    I look at the mirror, watching the person who's leaving the stall.
    No fucking way.

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