35 - Shacks and Shores

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    It feels like I've been dreaming since yesterday. The world has been nothing but a figment of my wistful hopes and wishes, but it isn't. This is real. So real.

    This is my life, and I chose it. I've made every decision that's led up to this, and I've done it because I've wanted to. My heart has pushed me along to this quiet house in Florida.

   I turn over, my eyes narrowing at the sight of Cade sleeping. beside me. I pull the covers up my naked body, laughing at the thought of Cade's threats yesterday. Cade steal does lose, and he loses for me. He couldn't wait another second before getting me onto the bed. He was right about one thing --next time would be on his cock. 

    I stand up, my legs weak from last night. I take a pair of pajamas hidden inside the dresser, probably as an accommodation from whoever leases the house. It's a baby pink lace camisole matched with the same color pair of shorts. 

    I tip-toe into the kitchen, opening the fridge to find a carton of eggs and milk. The smell of the beach carries even inside the house, filling every sense inside my body.

   I turn the stove on, placing a pan and waiting for it to heat. The eggs crack against the edge of the counter, before I place them inside the pan, scrambling quickly. I feel somebody's gaze on me and I immediately turn around, finding Cade leaning against the wall leading up to the kitchen. He's wearing a pair of white sleep pants and not much else other than a chain hanging around his neck. He crosses his arms as I continue cooking, trying to evade the unhealthy palpitation in my chest.

    A couple seconds go by before his weight and heat envelope me, his hands on my hips as his fingers dip under my shirt.

   "Cade, I'm already a bad cook as it is--"

    He laughs against my neck. "Mmm, you're a wonderful cook," he murmurs, kissing the nape of my neck, his teeth grazing the skin under my hair.

    I feel myself melt, but luckily my self-control has adapted to Cade Steele's charm. I turn around, placing a finger to his lips. He backs away, smirking as his back hits the kitchen island. 

    "I don't need distractions in the kitchen, go hurry along. We haven't even unpacked anything from the car." I cross my arms, trying to convince myself that, yes, I'm being sensible, even when my body is very obviously telling me to stop cock blocking myself.

    He raises his hands in defense. "Whatever you say, Sunshine. I'll go unpack right now if that's what you really want."

    He waits a few seconds, waiting for me to budge. His lips twitch when he realizes I'm serious. He turns around, opening the door, and stepping out towards the car.

   I turn back around, patting myself on the back for my self-restraint. Unfortunately, my eggs have already burned. So much for avoiding distractions while I cook. 

    I grew up doing everything by myself, but cooking was never something I was able to do very well. I didn't have anyone to teach me how to cook, or any cook books at home to go off of. I learned how to cook pancakes from watching my mom spill the contents of a carton box on Saturdays, but that was about it. First, it was Dahlia and Kaitlyn who would take me out to eat, and then it became Jane and Jennifer who worried themselves about my eating habits.

    There were nights where I simply didn't eat. I've never had a big appetite, whether it be because I hate feeling full, or because nature made me this way.

    Mrs. Steele is an amazing cook, and I realize now that must be the reason that Cade is good at cooking himself. I've cooked with the both of them a few times, them leading the way more than I'm capable of, and Cade manages himself around the kitchen quite well. 

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