I Don't Know What To Do

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"Harley? Are you okay?" Georgie immediately started to worry.

"Why are you guys hugging and crying in the bathroom?" Ethan said giving them a weird look.

Harley looked at Rachel with a "we're busted" panicky look, but Rachel just pushed Harley slightly behind her as if she had to protect her from their curious siblings.

"Well this used to be one of the only places to have a private conversation, but I guess not anymore." Rachel snapped.

"Heh, privacy in this house?" Ethan scoffed. "You've been gone to long. We've never had privacy."

"What were you talking about that made Harley cry?" Georgie asked.

"That's between me and Harley."

Ethan frowned. "Is it about Adien? We, uh, we know. I called him." He admitted making Harley's eyes widened. "Sorry. I was worried about you so I asked Adien."

Harley gulped. "Asked him what?! What did he tell you?! What did you tell him?!" She panicked.

"Harles, calm down." Rachel tried.

"Why would you call Adien?!" Harley yelled not calming down.

"I told You because I was worried! We we're worried! Georgie made me!" Ethan panicked and threw the blame on Georgie not wanting his BFTF to be angry with him.

Georgie gave him a weak glare.

"You shouldn't have called him! You should just mind your own business!" Harley snapped.

"Shush." Rachel shushed her. "Do you wanna wake mom and dad?"

"I'm sorry, Harley, but why didn't you tell me about Adien?"

"There's nothing to tell."

"Yes there is! You had sex with him!" Georgie blurted out.

"Would you guys shut up? You're so gonna wake our parents.. or worse Daphne." Rachel snapped at them under her breath.

Harley swallowed. She suddenly felt nauseous. "He told you that?"

Ethan frowned and nodded.

Georgie looked down. "Why didn't you tell me? You called Rachel in France, but you didn't tell me? I'm your big sister too." She frowned.

Harley could tell she hurt Ethan and Georgie's feelings by not telling them and it made the sick feeling in her stomach worsen. She grabbed her mouth and stomach quickly and tugged on Rachel's robe. Rachel turned just in time to lead Harley to the toilet and tie back her hair before she hurled. She rubbed her back.

"Harley?" Georgie went over to them in concern for her younger sister. "You okay? Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine." Rachel said.

"No. I won't be fine." Harley said in between puking and gagging.

"Harley." Rachel said in a warning tone. "Don't talk right now."

"Okay, I wanna be a good brother, but puking makes me-" Ethan cut himself off and gagged. "Yeah, I gotta go." He fled the bathroom.

Georgie chuckled. "You would think having Louie and Beast as roommates would give him a stronger stomach." She sighed. "Okay, Ethan is gone so tell me what's going on?" She demanded.

Rachel sighed. "Can't. You're not the most closed-mouthed and our parents don't know yet. They need to hear it from Harley and you suck at keeping anything secret."

"I can keep it a secret." Georgie said in a defensive tone. "It's not like she's pregnant at fifteen or something crazy like that."

Harley groaned.

Rachel sighed and gave Georgie a look that told her all she needed to know. "You can not tell anyone."

Georgie gasped. "Oh.. Harley." She looked at her little sister hugging the toilet and bent down to sit beside her. "You had sex and you're now throwing up. I should have known." She frowned. "Are you gonna tell Adien?" She asked.

"I don't know." She groaned again. She took a few deep breaths and pushed her sisters away to stand up. "I think I'm done." She said as she grabbed the mouthwash.

Rachel and Georgie stood with concerned looks on their faces.

"You have to tell mom and dad."

"I know." Harley sighed.

"You really should tell Adien."

"I know, Georgie, but he's in Tokyo with his dad right now. I- I can't tell him over the phone and I don't know how to talk to him without sounding upset so I've been ignoring his calls." She pouted. "I don't know what to do." She cried.

Her older sisters walked over to the sink to comfort her. They put their arms around her and held her close while she cried to them.

"It'll be okay." Rachel soothed. "I don't think Adien is the type to walk out. Sure, he was a jerk at first, but you definitely tamed him when you started dating. I really think he loves you and cares about you. He'll stick around."

"And you have us." Georgie added. "We'll be the aunts, Daphne might not be a very good one, but we'll keep a close eye on her." She joked trying to lighten the mood a little.

Harley let out a little chuckle. "How am I gonna tell mom and dad? They're gonna be so mad. What if they kick me out?"

"Hey, that would never happen." Rachel said sternly. "You know they love us no matter what."

"We're already a big family. Now we'll be even bigger, but they'll still love all of us just like they always have. They'd love their grandkid too.. even if it is a little too soon to be having any."

Harley sniffed, then she let out a yawn and covered her mouth.

"Come on, let's try to get some sleep." Rachel said yawning too.

Georgie and Harley nodded.

They followed Rachel out of the bathroom to the bedroom they always shared and got into their beds. Rachel yawned, stretched, then she let her fluffy hot pink robe fall off her shoulders onto the floor by her bed before crawling under the blankets.

Rachel, Georgie, and Harley were all heavily sleeping by the time Suzie Diaz came in to collect their dirty laundry in the morning.

"Can't these girls ever put their stuff in the hamper for once?" She muttered to herself as she picked their clothes up off the floor. A jersey, jeans, a few t-shirts, and a fluffy hot pink robe.

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