I Need You To Come Home

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"Bonjour, ma petite soeur!" Rachel answered happily holding her sparkly cherry red phone up to her ear. She chuckled. "What's up?" She asked in English so her younger sister could understand.

"Rachel, I need a favor."

Rachel could already hear her younger sister's voice cracking and knew whatever it was it was important, but she was in Paris. How could she possibly do a favor for her sister from Paris, France?

"Uhh, normally I would ask what you want and what I would get in return, but I'm like 3,000 miles away. Whatever it is, ask Georgie."

Harley sniffed. "I can't. I need you. I need you to come home, please."

"No way." Rachel stated harshly. "The semester isn't even half over and I have a date Friday night that I can't miss. Also there is a fête fabuleuse on Saturday, and I'm not talking about a high school party. This is an event with only top of the line fashion mogals and there is no way I'm missing out on it." Rachel rambled on.

"Rach, please. I really need you."

"No way, Harley. Ask Georgie."

"I can't."

"Well I can't come home right now. Whatever it is just ask Ethan if you can't ask Georgie, okay?"

"I can't talk to him either. I need you, Rachel." Harley sniffed again like she was trying not to cry.

Rachel sighed. She could tell her sister was really upset, but she picked a horrible time to ask Rachel to fly home for awhile.

"Harley, don't cry. Look, I'm sorry, but even if I wanted to, which I don't, but if I did I would have to ask the Dean of Administration for permission and without a really good reason I just can't." She sighed. "Unless this is a family emergency like sickness or death I can't just leave and come home."

"But it's really important. I need you. I rarely ask you for anything, but this time I need my big sister."

"You have another big sister."

"I need my oldest sister."

Rachel sighed again and rolled her eyes. "Okay, tell me what's going on then I'll decide if it's worth bothering the Dean to let me go home for awhile."

"Okay.. Give me a minute. I have to find a more private place to talk." Scuffling noises let Rachel know that Harley was moving around. She heard a door close and figured the girl either went into the closet or the bathroom.

"Are you done?" Rachel asked slightly annoyed. "Mom didn't call about anyone sick or dying so-"

"Mom doesn't know." Harley whispered into her cell phone.

"So which one is it? Sick or dying? And why wouldn't you tell mom?"

"I'm not dying and I'm not sick, but the thought of telling mom or dad or anyone else is making me feel sick." Harley whispered.

"So no one is sick, no one is dying, this doesn't sound as important as you're making it." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Harley, unless you're sick, dying, or have managed to get yourself knocked up somehow I'm hanging up and going to bed."

Harley gulped. "Well, I'm not sick.. or dying." She sighed forlorn.

Rachel nearly dropped the phone. "What? You have to be kidding. I was mostly joking when I said that third thing?!" Rachel yelled.

Harley pulled the phone away from her ear for a moment. "I'm not joking." She whispered when she put the phone back to her ear.

Rachel sighed. "I'll talk to the Dean tomorrow. I don't know how much time I can get off, but I'll tell him that it's a family emergency."

Harley sniffed. "Thanks, Rachel."

Rachel sighed. "I'll call you tomorrow. You'll be okay."

"Okay.. Goodnight."

"Don't worry too much."

"I'll try not too. Bye."

"Yeah.. Bye."

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