Shade 22

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After being at the gallery for an hour or so I decide to head out. I say congratulations and goodbye to Jose before leaving. I look around one last time for Ana and Christian but they are no where to be found. Guess it's back to my motel. I go outside and see it's gotten so much later. I walk towards the train station and see the trains have stopped for the night due to technical difficulties. "Fuck," I say softly to myself.

"Trouble with the train?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I jump and turn to see Christian.

"Mr. Grey? Were you following me? Where's Ana?" I ask all these questions right as they come to my mind.

"I sent her home in her Audi. I'll see her tomorrow," he says casually.

"Well good, I'm glad you two can stay friends," I say trying to get a taxi but they are all taken due to the train being out.

"Would you like a ride?" He asks.

"You drive?" I ask remembering Taylor driving me and Ana everywhere.

"I do," he says simply. I shake my head and get out my phone which is dead.

"Of course," I say to myself trying to turn it on. I feel Christian move closer to me.

"About that ride?"

"Fine, yes, I need a ride," I say defeated. He smirks and leads the way to his nice ass car. Some fancy sports car that he ends up driving too fast.

"Where are you staying?" He asks after five minutes of driving.

"The small motel on Edwards street," I say not wanting to make small talk so it's quick and painless and just a ride.

"That place is full of drug dealers and addicts," Christian says.

"It's cheap," I quickly retort. After another five minutes he pulls up to the motel.

"Go get your things you're not staying here," he says.

"Umm yes I am, thank you for the ride goodnight," I say quickly getting out of the car and fast walking to my room. I hear his door shut and the car lock behind me as he follows me. "Mr. Grey, really it's fine."

"No, you will not stay here anymore. I won't allow it."

"You're not in control of me," I say angrily as I open my room. It's small and got my stuff everywhere. "I don't have anywhere else to go so," I stop as he's gathering my things. "Stop what are you?"

"I know you think I'm trying to control you but I'm actually trying to help you. Why haven't you used the money I gave you for a new place?" He questions as he gathers my stuff.

"I paid off a lot of debt with it, plus I still pay half the rent on my old place with Ana," I explain.

"What about the money you make from your disgusting job?" He asks.

"I spend a lot of it on bills and this room. It's cheap but not that cheap," I explain. I hear a loud bang from upstairs. The neighbors must be fighting again. Christian grabs my arm and drags me out. "let go of me," I say trying to stop him as he drags me to the car. "I don't need your help I'm fine!" He tosses me in the car after opening the door and throws my luggage in the back. I try to get out but he's locked the door behind. I try to unlock it but he's too quick. He's already started driving. "This is kidnapping," I say angrily. He lets out a small laugh and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah you seem really distressed."

"I am!" I yell to him as I cross my arms and lean back in the comfy seat and pulling my seat belt on since he's driving pretty fast. He rolls his eyes again. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why do you think I do anything?"


"If that's what you think."

"Is this about Anastasia?" I ask as we pull into a garage of some kind. He gets out and walks around the car to let me out.

"She's part of it," he says bluntly when he opens the door. I unbuckle and get out of the car.

"Will you please just stop being mysterious for a second and tell-

"We're at my apartment. You can stay here until you get another job. Ana expressed that she missed you when we went to dinner and I think helping you will help her in the end," he explains. I sigh as I get my bag out of the back. He looks down at it then back at me.

"Lead the way, Mr. Grey," I say defeated. I hear the car beep from behind me and we walk upstairs.

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