The Branwen Tribe

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"Again." Raven orders her new student to get up.

Jaune stood up with a wooden sword in hand, blood leaking out from forehead to mouth, bruised eye, and sweating bullets. This training is absolute torture for him to endure.

When he woke up seeing a woman in red, he thought it was just a dream, but newsflash and it wasn't a dream. Apparently, he's now in the Branwen Tribe's camp, the woman Raven Branwen, informs him that he "passes" her test in the forests for a week. Normally, new initiates were supposed to stay alive for three days, but for someone who isn't part of the tribe... he's an exception.

"Haaaa!" Jaune yells while rushing at his mentor, but Raven unamused and quickly dashed in front of him and sweep kicked his legs, before sending a strong elbow in his face. Knocking him into the hard ground again.

The other members of the tribe giving the new recruit small pity, they also felt the same whenever their leader went up against them, brutal and serious from the start. If you're going up against Raven Branwen and live to tell the tale, you're going to need some miracles and luck on your side, otherwise don't bother running, you're already dead.

Yang was watching on the sideline, bored and disappointed. She thought the new meat shows promise, but it seems they have another mouth to feed for the tribe. She doesn't understand why her mother keeps bringing useless recruits if they can't fight for shit. This blond, shaggy, and weak to the bones guy doesn't interest her at all. Who knows maybe this guy might just surprise her, when he built more muscles and skills anyway...

"Enough. That'll be all for today." Raven tosses the wooden sword away and walks back to her tent, Jaune lays on the ground, defeated, tired, and beaten. It seems his training with the Pilgrim doesn't seem to be a match against the bandit leader.

"Yo! New kid, you took that beating like champ." A skinny man with long dirty blond hair and gray eyes, stares down at him.

He has a stubble around his mouth, He wears a dark blue and gray jacket with torn sleeves over a long sleeved shirt He wears a bandana around his neck and has a shoulder pad on his right shoulder. He wears brown leather fingerless gloves with straps and brown pants with boots.

Jaune slowly gets up from the ground, "Who are you?" he asked.

"Me? I'm Shay D. Mann, most people around here call me Shady Man though. But you can just call me Shay, rookie." Shay answered while giving him a small grin.

"You must have done something to earn that name."

Shay shrugs, "Maybe, but that's a story for another time, rook. The boss told me to introduce you to the camp, getting settled for your new life for the tribe."

Right. When he first appeared in camp, Raven wanted to test his skills right away and attacked him before he could've got acquainted with his new surroundings.

The two of them walk along the camp with many tribesmen talking amongst each other, Jaune sees some of them sharing a bear with one another, and the group is flirting and one woman takes one of the males behind the tent... and does their business.

"Down on the right is our armory, we recently got our hands on a heavy arsenal during our last raid in Mistral, so if you need weapons, armors, they'll hook you up. Just be ready to spend lien though, even if you're one of us we can't be giving out free stuff all the time, and you're just a rookie right now. So if you want to get the good stuff, you need to earn your keep and reputation amongst us." Shay informs him.

Jaune looked to his right and saw other bandits packing heat, wooden boxes with SDC logos on it; it wouldn't surprise him if the tribe stole weapons from Atlas Military. He couldn't imagine what the general of Atlas's face when he heard his weapons and technologies were stolen by bandits.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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