Chapter 4: Twitch

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I sat there dressed in my usual white training attire, my elbow resting on the back of the chair next to me and my head resting on the knuckles of my closed hand. My legs were crossed, and my right hand tapped all my fingers in turn, in a chain reaction-type form. I was staring straight ahead of me with an expression that read 'this is so strange that I can not even comprehend' while my lips were pursed and I tried my best to keep from releasing eye contact. Sitting across the room were those four... boys... that might not even be boys. I could feel how uncomfortable they were from here that resulted from the mere scrutiny of my stare. To make this situation that much more sweeter Leo's hair was black once again. I've decided that I like his hair better brown, it suits him more. Their eyes really were the same eyes, their height was about the same as those turtle things I saw, their shirts were the same colours as their masks. What is even happening right now?

"Y/n, i'm glad your on time." My grandfathers voice said to my right, and I looked up.

"Hey Ojiisan." I greeted, uncrossing my legs and putting my hands in my lap.

"did you invite any of your friends?" He asked me, looking around and searching the fourty odd people that were already here.

"Yeah, I invited those four." I replied, nodding in their reaction and my grandad looked at them.

I forced myself to smile at the four of them, feeling the corner of my mouth twitch as a did a small wave. They all waved back, and I saw donnie say something to Leo and Leo replied. Now, i'm no lip reader, but it looked something along the lines of; "do you think she knows?" "She definitely knows.".

"Are they competing?" Tanoshi asked, looking back down at me from them.

"I'm unsure, I forgot to ask them." I replied, nonchalantly, probably a little too quickly.

"Good luck y/n, you're going up against adults again." He changed the subject, and walked off to where my uncle kaze was preparing to umpire.

By the time the whole thing started at least a hundred and fifty must have shown up to watch, and I was glad that my grandad had decided to rent out the sports centre rather than just hold it in his little gym. I stared at the four guys for the next two hours as the other competitors went. First it was the white and yellow belts, some twelve year old whose always been cocky whenever I helped teach the classes won. Then it was orange through blue, this went a lot quicker because there were less people competing, and a really nice guy called derek won, he's about twenty four and works at the local department store, he's honestly pretty chill. All throughout this the small one- Mikey and the one I was more accustomed to, Raph, were cheering along with the crowd for the take outs and k.o's and such that were happening. Leo looked like he was studying every small movement and making comments on where they went wrong and such. But Donnie, poor Donnie, actually no, not poor Donnie. Donnie had to put up with being uncomfortable from me staring at him because he wasn't particularely interested in the actual competition. He was fidgety, nervous- no. Not even nervous. He was anxious. At points he tried to take me on in a staring competition but kept looking away after two or three minutes. Finally though, the time for purple to black belts arrived.

"Alright y/n, your time to shine." I mumbled to myself, and went to the board to see when I was to fight.

Turns out I was the first up in the first round, competing against a twenty seven year old from some opposing dojo. I looked around, trying to match the photo with a guy that was walking around, and finally found him talking to his own sensei. He was bulky, like, i-have-too-much-free-time-i-spend-in-the-gym bulky. But, bulkiness is not equivalent to skill, with all that extra weight he's probably unbalanced. I cackled quietly to myself, and stretched, waiting for my uncle to come over the loudspeaker and announce the fights.

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