Chapter 6: My way home

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Oh god it's so freezing. I need to lay off the walking without a care in the world man. I looked over the sea from the harboured dock I was standing on, the murky depths of the water below me, swirling around in a pit of nothingness, a completely blackened void. The sky a tinted dark blue colour from the beginning of the night. I looked out over the water, seeing the bay of New Jersey ahead of me, and shook my head at how far from my apartment I must be. I turned around on the slippery old dock, finding myself in a loading area with a bunch of cargo containers making the tall walls of a large maze. I really really need to start noticing my surroundings. I started walking forward, and a lightpost flickered on pitifully above me, ghosting the area even more. How on earth did I even get in here? I scrunched up my nose as I started weaving my way through the heavy metal. Surprisingly enough it wasn't that hard to make my way out of the shipping yard that was oddly enough still unlocked. It was Monday, and though most of us were all ready for school this morning when we got there, well, we were told that something came up and the start date was postponed further to Wednesday. Which was simultaneously awesome and not so awesome. It had been two days since I properly met the turtles, I would have thought it all a dream, I mean, it's not every day you find out there actually are mutants living in the sewers and that there are aliens running around everywhere. But the t-phone that was in my pocket was proof enough that It was real, that it happened, that everything to do with them was no dream or hallucination. I patted my pocket, and sure enough, it was still there. I started walking at a quicker pace, putting my phone in my pocket and shoving my hands in after the devices in a pitiful way to keep them warm. The area I was walking through was completely abandoned, the air was very very unnaturally still, and it sent a shiver down my spine. Faster you walk, the sooner you get out of here. The warehouses I was walking past were completely dark, some had rusting signs and some you could tell were completely abandoned. It's like the scene from a movie where you get mugged or something. I immediately regretted that thought and kept playing situations over and over in my head, ones where I fight them off and escape and ones where i'm not able to and get locked up in some dirty old storage room with rancid meat lying everywhere. Thankfully enough I walked briskly for twenty minutes and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. I made it out of the small warehouse district and into the streets that were coming slightly more and more populated with each step that I took. Well that just felt completely uncomfortable. Honestly I think I would have preferred something to actually happen than for it to feel so dead, it would have made it feel more right. I ended up walking straight into the middle of one of many popular restaurant districts, the sidewalks completely bursting at the seams. Even getting out of the warehouse area, I still had no idea where I was one bit. Okay, all I know is that i'm still in New York, and somewhere in Manhattan. A man came running down the street in a suit with a bottle of sparkling white wine completely ignoring everyone in his path. Me being me I was looking at a restaurant sign that was an obvious mistranslation as it read "Hop on stick", I suppose it was meant to read hog on stick or something, but I really wouldn't have a clue. Since I wasn't looking and he wasn't paying attention to anyone he completely ran into me, bowling me over. I fell on my ass and he dropped his alcohol, the bottle broke as it hit the ground and the contents sprayed all over me, making me soaked.

"Watch it buddy!" I yelled up at him, looking up with slight fury.

"Excuse me you little... ugh... that was a fifty dollar wine, I hope you're happy." He replied, just as angry.

No one around us took any notice and just walked around, continuing on their way. I stood up giving him a slightly disgusted look without saying anything else and left him there to clean that all up. I slowly weaved my way through the sea of people to my left, the side closest to the buildings, and finally found an alley I could slip into.

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