chapter two

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Dylan POV


Mom,I have a mate out there am not mating another shewolf , dad please tell her."I said standing up from my chair

Baby don't you know the pack is in danger without a luna you have been searching for your mate but still no hope you have to mate another do this for your pack,for your people,we have to be strong i don't want others seeing us as weak." Mom said looking hurt

Son your mother is right,you are old enough to be an alpha now but we can't hand it over to you without a luna."dad said

(Running footsteps)

Bubba! Bubba!! You have to hide me uncle Eric is chasing me and he is a monster."Emily said while running to me

(Walking footsteps)

We're is she?! We're is my little Emily?!, Am going to get you!!,hey Dylan have you seen Emily?."Eric said while entering the office

Hello Alpha , hello Luna."Eric said

Nope i haven't seen her maybe she went to the garden or something."I said

Oh ok."Eric said, turning to walk away

(Walking door opening and closing)

You can come out now Emily he is gone."I said

Oh thank you Bubba,thanks! Thanks!! Thanks !!!."Emily shouted

Shhhhhhh he's going to hear you kiddo." I said

Ok sorry."Emily said while putting her hand on her mouth

No problem kiddo."I said

Ok bye Mom,bye Dad" Emily whisper's as she runs from the office

(running door opening and closing)

5 4 3 2 1."I counted

Got ya."Eric shouted


Ahhhhhhhhh!! Bubba help me,ahhhhhhhhh!!! Monster" Emily screamed


As i was saying dad am not mating another shewolf and that's final i don't want to talk about this anymore."I said, as i stood up and walked away

(Walks away slamming door)

Thank you my readers for reading another chapter with me .
Sorry for the short chapter dont worry i promise the next chapter will be better

Dont forget to vote and like

Xoxo guys

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