chapter seven

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Dylan POV

(Some days later)

(Door opening and closing)

Alpha?."head tracker said as he walks into the office

Yes, have you been able to find her or even get a scent."I asked turning to look at the head tracker

Yes alpha we were able to track her scent to a warehouse."head tracker said

So what are we waiting for gather the pack warriors we are going to find my sister." I said as I started to stand up ready to leave

Actually alpha when we located the place it was looking abandoned."head tracker said with a hint of fear in his voice

At least that's some thing, they can't just abandon the place so we need to search around and find out why they left they has to be a reason don't you think Dylan."Eric said seeming anxious to leave, well I guess he missed Emily too just as I do

Your right Eric this is a lead and we can't lose it, so find the head warrior and gather the pack warriors and best trackers we have, we leave in 30minutes."I said giving myself hope that we will find her

Yes alpha ."head tracker said as he turned and walked away

( Door opening and closing)

I pray we find her, we have to. She is just a child what if something happens to her?, I won't be able to live with my self." I said we fear in my voice for the first time since she was taken

Don't worry bro if she was dead you would have felt it so that means she is very much alive somewhere."Eric said with his hand on my shoulder in a way of comfort

Thanks for the hope Eric your really a good beta and my best friend ." I said smiling at him

(They both smile)

Of course what am I here...." Eric was cut off as the head tracker and head warrior walked into the office

(Door opening and closing)

Alpha the trackers are ready." Head tracker said

Yes, the warrior are ready as well." Head warrior said

Ok come on, let's go find my sister." I said as we all walked away from the office heading outside the pack house to prepare for our departure

(Six hours later)

Here we are alpha." Head tracker said pointing at an abandoned warehouse

Ok. Warriors A go left, warriors B go right, beta and trackers follow me." I said as we approached the warehouse

( Footsteps approaching warehouse)

The doors are open, is like they left in a hurry." Eric said causiously while looking at me

(Sound of doors squeaking )

(Footsteps entering warehouse)

There is no one here , is like they ran away." Eric said

(Mind linking)

Alpha you have to come see this." Head warrior said

On our way." I said as we left inside the warehouse and headed to the back

( Running footsteps approaching warriors)

Alpha looks  like she was fighting some rogues off but she couldn't kill them so they killed her instead." Head warrior said as he started at the corps of a dead girl

Hmmm that's true and I think she tried to escape them so they chased her to this place." I said looking around

Alpha come see this, it looks like they were chasing something or someone and from the mud foot step I think it was a little child. Alpha I think it was your sister ."head track said starring at the mud footprints

Emily!, Come on let's see were it leads, please be ok Emily ." I said praying in my mind

(Running footsteps)

moon goddess,what did this ? Is like some thing I have never seen , look at the claw marks , that one looks like wat ever did this had to tear his heart out his chest." Eric said pointing at a rogue we saw at the pack last time they attacked us

Look there is a cage like floor with a broken coffin under it and look there is blood and I think is Emily's blood , I think she was injured and the blood was dripping through here into the coffin ." Head warrior said

Alpha I think what ever was in that coffin your sisters blood must have awaken it". Head tracker said

Oh Emily what did you do." I said

Dylan look they are footsteps here and is not just your sisters footsteps there  is another footstep I think its a female cause the feets are bare and they are not male feet" Eric said starring at the feet on the mud

Yes alpha and I think they went north." Head tracker said

(Mind linking)

Alpha you need to come home fast ." Warrior mindlinked

Why ? Why do I need to come home?." I mindlinked back

Alpha your sister is here and she is here with a lady but the thing is alpha she is not a rogue , we think she is human." Warrior mindlinked as it sounded like he could not believe his eyes.

Ok thank you so much lovely readers hope you enjoyed this chapter , don't worry next chapter is coming soon ok

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Xoxo guys

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