|06| monster

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How much of a monster was I? Ruby was my only true friend

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How much of a monster was I? Ruby was my only true friend. That's what I thought until she back stabbed me.  Flashbacks of my past with Ruby flashed in front of my eyes as I watched the video that I myself made.


"Was it you?" I asked with all of the anger I had in me. Ruby stared at me confusedly. Acting like she had no idea about what I was talking about.

"What are you talking about Soo?" She asked. A crowd formed in the corridor. Students surrounded us both and watched our drama.

"Don't fucking call me that! You fucking betrayed me!" I screamed at her making her flinch. She still looked confused and terrified as well. "You were the one who sent me that letter. Am I correct?!" I yelled at her.

My whole morning was ruined after I found a letter inside my locker.

"Heard you will leave the singing club? Scared that you will loose shitface?"

That's what the letter said. Feeling insulted is the worst feeling ever. But feeling betrayed was worse. I only told Ruby about leaving the singing club and joining the drama club instead. Only she knew.

How could she?

"This letter. You were the one who sent it bitch!" I slapped her across her face. The crowd went 'ooh'. Ruby was almost in tears as she looked at me. Her lips had a cut on it's side and her left cheek became red.

"It's probably another prank by Irene-" She tried to defend herself. Someone else cut her off.

"Woah woah woah... are you blaming us now?" It was Irene. Joy and some of their friends followed her. "I thought only you knew about Jisoo leaving the singing club. Didn't you?" Irene folds her arms together and pressed them against her chest. An amusing look present on her face. Ruby glares at her and then glares at me.

"Don't tell me you believe this snake over me?" She asks as her voice breaks a little at the end. She looked extremely heartbroken. But this time I am not falling for this look.

"The real snake here is you." I stated gritting her teeths as I returned the glare.

"Not an unwanted trash calling me a snake. I guess I really need to remind you of your place." Irene's smirk now was gone. She had an expressionless face but everyone could tell she was angry. She harshly pushed Ruby on the ground. Everyone stood there watching the drama, some laughed and some started making videos of the scene.

I took out my phone and then turned on my camera to take a video of the scene. Joy brings the dustbin and pours all the garbage on Ruby. A digusting smell fills up the air.

Ruby was crying but she wasn't fighting back. Another slap lands on her face. It was Irene this time.

"A bitch like you is a disgrace to this school." She said. "Leave this place!"

"Leave this place!!" Joy imitated her friend and laughed at Ruby.

"Leave this place!" Chants echoed through the corridor, loud chants made by the other students.

"I will never let you live peacefully after this." Ruby muttered under her breathe. She glared at the floor to ignore all the looks she was getting.

"What did you just said?" Irene asked her to repeat.

"You are jealous that you can't beat me in anything. No one likes you. Taehyung doesn't likes you. All your friends are fake. You got into this school because of your mother. I got here cause of my talent and hardwork. It's sour but it's the truth you can't accept." Ruby spits out as the satisfied expression Irene had all this time, fades away. The crowd became silent.

Ruby fucked up.

Anger crawls up Irene's chest as she realized what Ruby said was sadly true. Joy noticed Irene's sudden change of mood and whispered something to one of her friends, Sana. A smirk appears on Sana as she immediately runs towards the girl's washroom.

And came back dragging a bucket full of blood?... No, It was probably red paint mixed in water. I stared at the bucket as I clearly don't remember this being a part of our plan.

They planned it all as if they knew
they needed it...

"I can't beat you? Look who is the one sitting on the throne and who is one on the floor surrounded by trash." Irene snapped with a disgusted look on her face.

And I watched it silently. My mind was telling me to stop them but I stood there watching them. With no second thought, Joy and Sana poured the whole  bucket of red mixture on Ruby. Heartless laughter grew and I gave off a satisfied laugh as well. Irene then bent down and said to the girl.

"Shouldn't have let Taehyung get close to you." She scoffed at the girl. Ruby was a mess.

"Yuck." I said as my nose wrinkled up at the disgusting sight. "Should have thought before messing with me bitch!" I shouted proudly at the weeping girl on the girl. My phone made sure to record everything. My words, Ruby in red water, the laughs, Irene and her friends.

Every cruel stuff I did. How much of a monster was I?


"Should have thought before messing with me bitch!" My eyes became teary as I clearly recognized my own voice in the video. The post has thousands of likes and comments.

Was that really me? Did that voice really belonged to me?

I never thought this will end up like this. I never thought Ruby will end up killing herself. I only saw it as a stupid prank...

"Kim Jisoo!" An enraged voice echoed through the house making me flinch on my spot. The voice belonged to my father.

He knows. Now who is going to save me from him? A tear slips through my eyes as I heard his footsteps coming closer to my room.

Sorry for updating so late! I will try to update every week! Please give votes, comments and criticisms are accepted!

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