
42 5 0

1998 ~

Tahan Middleton

My dad pulls up the car next to the school gate. I look out the window, it looks like a huge haunted house. I wish it was haunted, it would be fun then.

I can't believe my parents made me go on the stupid school trip. It's not just for the day, it's for the entire week! The entire week of my school holidays. Ruined.

The schools organised for us to stay at some campsite. There's meant to be nice beaches and pools there. But we live in London, it's freezing and the only beaches I've seen here are ones that have dull rocky sand and brown waters.

My mum said it would be fun to hang out with my school buddies. She seemed even more excited about me going then me, maybe she just wanted to get rid of me for the holidays. Nah that couldn't be possible. She tells me she loves me.

"Bye guys". I sigh as I give them a half hug. Its really hard to hug someone in the front seat when your stuck sitting in the back.

"Bye sweetie, be safe". My mum kisses my forehead and my dad gives me a big bear hug. It feels like I'm being smothered and strangled.

I open the car door and try to pull my suitcase out with me. It seems stuck in-between the car seats. I pull, harder. Fail. It doesn't even budge.

"Tahan, go" My mum points to the school.

"I would if i can get my bag out" I reply frustrated.

I put my foot on the car and pull with both hands. pushing away from my foot. Finally, it slides out and I nearly fall over onto the dirt from the momentum of me forcing my suitcase. Luckily, I manage to stabilise my balance.

"Thanks for the help" I murmur to myself as i brush off my shirt, even though there no dirt on me.

I walk through the gates with a suitcase rolling behind me. Bumping over all the small stones scattered over the pathway.

"I LOVE YOU!" My mum screams at me. I stop, embarrassed. I turn around to see my mum and dad both waving sticking there heads out the window.

People are looking at me. I just look confused at them. "Are those your parents?" I hear a few kids ask.

"Never seen them before in my life" I respond. I begin to walk again, dragging my suitcase along with me.

I look around the front of the school, looking for my friends. I spot my best friend, Kendall, over by the front steps. She's looking around to see who's coming to this stupid trip.

"Kendall!" I scream before running up to her.

She looks over in my direction. "Tahan!" Straight away she picks herself up and runs my way too. Once we reach each other, we collide. Hugging for seconds. She's my best friend and I haven't seen her for a week.

"How have you been?" I ask her why'll she walks over with me to my abandoned purple suitcase.

"Alright I guess, it was nice relaxing the first week. But now, we're back at school. For a whole week!" Kendall throws her arms in the air.

"I feel the same way. I can't believe my parents made me go to this". We make our way back over to the stairs where Kendall once was.

I pull down the handle of my suitcase and sit it beside me as I take a seat on the cold concrete.

Kendall raises her eyebrows at me. "Really? You can't believe your parents made you come?" She laugh.

I take a moment to think about it. "Yeah I can believe it quite easily actually." I laugh along with her.

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