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Casa Solace

3rd person POV

*knock, knock* Yuan turned her head to her door as soon as she heard a knock. "Come in." Nicholai entered. "I have some news for you, Yuan" Said Nicho with an Empty tone "Hm?" Yuan didn't like how her brother used the familiar tone she doesn't wish to hear once more. "Mom wants me back." Yuan expected something came up, but not this. She immediately sat up looking for any signs of joking tone or Expression her brother might give. But to her disappointment her brother just looked at her seriously with a bit of a solemn face.

"We just saw each other and now you're leaving?" Nicholai didn't like to hear those words. As Yuan spoked quietly. "I tried consoling mom to move the date of my flight but sadly she declined and already booked a flight." He started walking towards Yuan as he sat beside her. Embracing his dear sister. He knows. That she's also suffering. "When can i see you again?" Yuan said almost sobbing. "I'm afraid maybe next year." sighed, he got no choice but to obey their mother as she's one crazy lady.

"When's your flight?" She looked up to her brother, presenting a hoping face that it'll be later than sooner. "Tomorrow evening..." Nicholai swear that he heard her sister's heart shattered. He hated how they're being controlled. Just for awhile as long as he's the heir, he'll make sure to secure his sister's life.

"alright. What can i do anyways. She's always like that." Finally giving up she hugged her brother one last time before excusing herself to sleep. "I'll be packing my things now. Get some sleep. Sweet dreams my lil sun." Standing up, he ascended through the door and turned the lights off. Once he's out of there, he finally let his tears escape.

Valdez Household (More like mansion)
Living room

"Kuya! Wanana watch some movies?!" Rainne Shouted as her brother's upstairs doing his business. "Sure! Wait for me!!" Brent shouted back, assuring her that he'll join too. "Nicho.. I know it's hard. But you should expect that your mother's equivalent to a devil. Not to mention I'm at the same boat as you. Dad also forced me, tho i haven't talked to Rainne about this. How about we talked tomorrow,Rainne needs me rn." "Alright Brent, i still have to finish packing, say hi to Rainne for me!" "Yes, yes" Brent hanged up the phone, proceeding to the living room where his sister is waiting without any clue what's gonna happen later.

"What took you so long kuya?" Rainne rolled her eyes as she saw Brent descending through their long stairs. "Your kuya Nicho called, he said hi to you and talked about something." *First step take it easy Brent, you'll get to the point* "What did you guys conversed about?" She turned her gaze to the TV Screen once more,she can't deny the fact that she's having bad feelings about this.

"He's leaving for Japan tomorrow, Tita wants him to take care of their company there for now." Brent manage to composed himself, almost cracking his voice as he also needs to depart tomorrow. "That includes you departing also tomorrow, am i right?" The young Man wasn't expecting her sister figuring out without even him spitting a word. Also her using the cold voice. "How'd you?.." Brent was speechless.
"I'm not dumb Kuya, Once Kuya Nicho or Kuya Kei is departing that includes you too. That happened multiple times already." The said girl was pissed to the fact that they've got no freedom, She knows that not until their parents stepped down they'll never be free. Brent bent down to face his dear sister." Lil Rose.. I'm sorry kuya can't spend much time with you ok? As much as i want to accompany you here, I'm sure you know it's impossible." Hearing her brother calling her lil rose made her tear up. It's always been lil rose since she was born, his brother is the very first one she saw when she was born.

Villanueva Mansion

*knock, knock*  "Ma'am, Sir Kei requests your presence to his room." As Lexy was doing her own business, a maid of his brother called her.
"Alright! Be there in a minute, pls tell him." Cleaning up the mess she made, more like cleaning her own bedroom as it's full of coloring materials. "Yes, ma'am." as the maid left, she stand up immediately. Not before praying for something like good news. She indeed received some few messages from Rainne and Yuan,about their brothers leaving.

"Brother you called for me?" She didn't bother knocking, knowing her brother he doesn't mind that much. "Lour, Would you mind sleeping with me? Just for tonight?" Now Lexy wasn't expecting that, of course she would sleep with her brother. After asking what's the catch.
"Spill it kuya. Tell me you aren't coming with Kuya Brent and Kuya Nicho?" Upon hearing those words from his sister, Kei knows he's already trapped. I mean his sister is indeed smart. "I'm sorry for that Lour...but this is also for you. You know i just need to assure dad to let me handle the company afterwards we're free,not only us but the Valdez and Solace siblings too." Lexy knows that. She always have known that. She's just longing for a brother to hold on. "Don't worry too much Kuya, i can handle it." She laid down as she spoked. "Kuya.. Can u brush my hair?" Kei wasn't expecting this, he was expecting tantrums or another scold from his sister. Instead he got a little request from her, an old but hold request she's been asking since they were just childs. "Of course Lour.. Who am i to decline hm?.." That night Lexy slept fine. With an empty heart.

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