《~•🌻 Wishing on dandelions🌻 •~》

43 2 10

prompt: Dream has died while trying protecting George.
George feels sad and decides to go to a sunflower and dandelion field Dream always took him to. He feels said and gets flashbacks of what happened and what he could do to save Dream, moments before.

Some sad song about dandelions is recommended:)
angst? Not rlly sure, it's just sad.

Spoiler to my books. a huge fvcking spoiler


George couldn't hold his breathing in control, there lied his lover, soulmate, his Dream. Bloody knife piercing right through his chest, he was weak. Sapnap laughing hysterically, as he held the revival book in victory.

George looked him in the eyes, all sorts of emotions could be seen. He's still grinning..after he betrayed his one and only...best friend.
Tears streaming down his cheeks and his breath was hitching.


George looked back down to see Dream lying infront of him, taking his last few breaths as Sapnaps sword was still right digging into his chest.

'I..love you..' Dream whispered as he closed his eyes.

'D-Dream don't d-do this to us..to me!'

It was too late already, his soul has left his body.. and also had left George.

'I'd hope that would teach you, George.' Sapnap grinned

That stupid bitch.

'Teach me what?!' George yelled back loudly


'You betrayed kinoko, backstabber.' Sapnap tilted his head, still grinning.

'Oh?' George scoffed
'You're calling me a backstabber? After you killed your best friend?!'

'How ironic.' George scoffed

'Of all people you would know what it feels like to have your lover, that one person you care about the most, STABBED in front of your eyes.'

Sapnap scoffed, 'Don't bring him u-'

'To lose them, and never being able to forget the sight of it..' George looked back down at Dream again. He cupped Dreams porcelain white face.

Sapnap gasped quietly then he turned around, and walked away.

'Yeah, walk away from your problems, Sapnap.' George yelled, swaying his arms in the air

'Drink them away, atleast you know where you got that from, huh?'

George scoffed as Sapnap stopped and hesitated to say something but kept on walking.

Walking away from his problems, cause he already tried running.



George sat on the grass as he kept repeating his lovers name.

He was on the flower field Dream would take him every night. Each night they would take a dandelion from the ground and make a wish. Each night they'd wish the same.

That they'd never leave each other


'Dream!' George pushed Dream playfully.

'What? It's true, you're obsessed with me.'

'I hate you.' George scoffed

'You love me.' Dream wrapped his arm around George's shoulder

'Maybe your right, maybe not.' George confessed as he layed his head on Dreams shoulder while watching the sun rise.

'Well I do love you, George.' The blond also layed his head on the brunets


How George wished to get Dream back. To look him in the eyes again and just say the four words he never was able to say.

'I love you too',


He sighs as he says it out loud, as if it was right in that moment; and in Dream's warm arms.

He wished he was as he blew on the dandelion.
He laughs a bit as he got reminded something.

He was already used to wishing and hoping on dead things.

George sighs as he dropped the leftovers of the dandelion on the grass beneath him. He looked up into the sky as the sun was rising, he grabbed another dandelion again.

Him pulling the dandelion of its field reminded him of Sapnap and Dream, how he pulled Dreams soul out of his weakened body.

Oh, Dream, Dream, Dream..

How he wished he could get him back.

George blew on the dandelion as the little white things that were attached to it flew into the air.

He regretted one thing the most.

He never got to say 'I love you too.' On time..time, time, time.


Another new book idea! ( probably not published rn)

I went to like a school party and it was lame asf istg.

For the dutchies: Ronnie flex trad op en het was zo fucking skeer😃 iedereen schreeuwde de hele tijd of hij energie wou zingen.

Ik wil niet vervelend zijn maar kan ik even in je leven zijn 😃😭😭

I also found like a coin that you could buy separately for 1 euro

With that coin you could buy food and shit and it sucked tbh but chips/crisps are noice

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