[storyline] abel

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After the death of Roxanne, Gabriel and Mina moved away. Kaya moved in and put a lot of money in their new house. He knew how broken Gabriel was by the death of her twin sister. Mina and Kaya grew much closer and he actually felt like a brother. Mina also was the one that encouraged Kaya to propose.

Roxanne was a really ambitious person. She worked hard for her job while Mina was just a babysitter, and made money from an old, creepy man. Although Mina wasn't as heart broken from Roxanne's death as Gabriel, she still was. She realized she should probably start a real career, before she'd regret it. That is the reason why Mina started to work as an entertainer/singer. She always loved singing and playing guitar, so she thought this was an excellent choice. But unfortunately, it didn't go as well as planned. Mina had lots of trouble working at a real career. She didn't tell anyone, but after some time, she became a babysitter again and skipped her work lots of times. After a while, she got fired.

At the same time as Mina and her work problems, Gabriel and Kaya started talking about expanding the family. They weren't married yet, but they really wanted a baby. Gabriel still worked as a culinary, and Kaya still was busy as a personal trainer, but they felt like they were ready for a baby. They tried many times, but Gabriel just couldn't get pregnant. Kaya and she went to the doctor and found out that Gabriel had fertility issues. They were broken.

After Gabriel discovered her fertility issues, she got a kind of mental breakdown. Sometimes she just skipped work because she just couldn't. Mina saw this and knew from her sister's problems. She decided that she couldn't only work as a babysitter, but didn't know what to do either. After some time, she signed herself up for a hook-up service. It wasn't a good job, but it made good money and Mina, as much as she cared for her family, wanted to do it for her sister.

Of course she didn't tell Gabriel and Kaya where she got the money from. Mina just told them she made a big promotion at her job, which of course she had already quit.

After some time, when Gabriel got back up again, some big accident happened. One day, Mina forgot to take the pill and she got pregnant from some random guy!! It took her a while to find out, but she was freaking out. Mina never was the responsible type, and she didn't even know who the father was. She started not coming home for hours, spending time in parks and cafe's. She just didn't want Kaya and Gabriel to realize she was pregnant. Then Mina would be forced to confess she lied about her job.

Kaya and Gabriel started worrying, but not enough to actually ask her. After some time, Mina never was home when one of the two were, and they started to suspect her. They didn't know what she did, but it must've been something extremely bad, otherwise Mina hid from her own sister, Gabriel knew. They asked a close friend of Kaya, who was unknown to Mina, to look for her and kinda spy on her. Gabriel knew it was bad, but she needed to know what was wrong with her sister.

After a day or two, the friend of Kaya ran into Mina in a park. She was obviously pregnant, and the friend asked about it. Mina was too tired to lie another whole story, and told the truth.

He was so sorry for her he decided he wouldn't tell Gabriel and Kaya, and helped Mina to calm down and accept her pregnancy. He offered she could stay at his house, and they grew closer. At some moment, even closer than friends. He confessed to her that Kaya sent him in the first place. At first Mina was shocked, but she knew that Gabriel must've done something and to be honest, she wouldn't expect anything different. 

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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