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Ted's POV

Here he was again, crying like a lovesick puppy. There were so many times that I wanted him to brace up and tell her about his feelings, but he never did. I made up my mind not to bother him so I dropped a note and took a few bottles with me as I departed from there.

Tavia's POV

After crying my heart out, I left the room he was kept in. I felt suffocated with the more time I spent in there; I headed straight, back to the doctor's office.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm okay. I'll be fine. I need to go home today"

"No you can't, remember you're still on treatment"

"Yes I know, but I need to leave this place"


That's how we opposed on and on. It was a hassle to get him to agree but I'm glad my efforts paid off. He pledged to discharge me by sunset. The absence of Ted had a toll on me such that I had the urge to leave this vicinity quickly so I left the bed.

As I walked out of my room, I couldn't help but greet the other patients and visitors that sat on the preserved seats in the corridor. I went to the counter first so I could call Gemini; I miss her so much. I met a bright-looking lady who stood there to attend to patients.

"Good morning nurse"

"Yeah what's the matter, ma'am? Have you been served breakfast?" She asked. She knows me.

"Not yet. I just need to make a call"

"Okay, have this," She said. She gave the phone to me. I happily accepted it and dialed her number and she picked up after the second ring.

"Hello, I'm listening" Her reply to me, gave off she was bored.

"Yes Gemini, it's Tavia"

"Oh Tav my love, how are ya doing bitch?" I giggled at her use of words, even the nurse raised an eyebrow.

"I'm doing great, how about you? I've missed you like hell, to be honest"

"I've missed you too. How's your health? Have you been discharged? Has my brother been taking proper care of you"

"Chill out sisi! I'm getting better at least there's some progress, I'd be released from the prison tomorrow and as for Ted, I don't wanna talk about that". She giggled at my preferred word for a hospital.

"Really? What happened?" The case of her brother caught her attention. As far as she knew, she has never seen us quarrel or fight. I'm sure she envied our relationship.

"I will tell you when we meet today"

"Wow! I can't wait to see you. So who's gonna pick you up?"

"I will come home myself, don't bother"

"Why the hell shouldn't I come to pick you up, babe? You know you have to be treated like a princess"

"Haha oh yes"


" Yes"

" I'm apologizing on behalf of my brother for hurting you if my brother hurt you. I'm sure he will come back to his senses" I could envision she was teary-eyed already, because of the way she sounds

" What do you mean?"

" Oh! It's nothing. Anyways I'm getting ready to come to pick you up"

"That's okay Gemini. I'm so glad you care. So tell me, have you left the devil for good"

"Yeah, I'm ready to move on. He hurt me a lot"

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that and let me tell you he's a coward"

"Oh you're so funny Tav"

"I know right. I just want you to be happy"

"Yeah thank you"

"Alright, we'd meet soon. Say hi to momma for me?"

"Sure thing. I'm sure she ain't aware you're in the hospital if not she would have come there to burn it down if they don't treat you better"

"You bet it! See you soon bitch"

"Hey! Reserve that cause I'm the one who is supposed to address you that way or do you prefer I call you coochie"

"No way!"

"Yeah yeah. I love you Tav"

"I love you too. I gotta go. Bye!"

" Yeah dear"

I went straight forward to the lounge but she wasn't able to keep the peace as she cried again.

"You know you the steam won't stop until something is done".

Someone spoke up. I turned to look at the person who was talking to me and I discovered it was an old lady who sat in a wheelchair. The distance between us was minuit. She look way peaceful as she addressed me. I stood up from where I sat as I proceeded to the old lady's stead.


"So young lady, you have been crying since you came here, anything wrong? Shit why ask that? What's the matter, dear?". I was amazed by her use of cuss words.

"It is nothing ma"

"Woah! I didn't see that coming"

"I'm sorry ma'am forgive my manners"

"Tell me what happened  dear I'm ready to listen"

"  It's a long story"

"Go ahead let the sorrow outta your chest"

" I'm experiencing issues with my family and love life, it keeps getting harder and harder every second of the day"

"Everything will be fine. Why allow your problems to weigh you down? You should fix the problem or perhaps forgive those who may have hurt you"

"It's not that easy ma. I'm trying to but, I don't know where to start from"

"I'm sure you do. It starts from your heart and your determination to change things will just flow in"

" Thank you so much ma. I'm grateful"

"It's fine. So what brought you to this hospital? Are you expecting?"

"Expecting what ma?"

" Haha, you know what I'm talking about"

"I'm sorry I don't. Or are you referring to a visitor?"

"Oh, so you're expecting a visitor" She altered the whole thing completely. She didn't want to answer my query. Well, I will have to resolve that on my own, or I will ask Gemini.

" Yes, so ma what's the time on your phone ma'am?"

" It's 10.59 PM"

" What?!" I shouted as I sprang up from her warm hold.

" Oh look at your face! Why are you so afraid" She said as she laughed out loud at my shocked expression.

" No, I'm not. I will be discharged today so I can't wait to get home"

" Wow! I can't believe this is the last time I will see you. Thanks for giving an old lady company" She mentioned and she picked up my palm and held it.

"Aww. You're welcome and thank you too. What can I call you ma'am"

"Mrs. Debbie"

"Cool thing"

"Okay I have to go to my room, see ya later"


I quickly pecked her forehead and her reply was slightly unheard of. In the process of bolting to my room, I crashed into someone, hitting my head. I rubbed my head to ease the irritation and as I bucked up, I discovered it was him.

" Harry?!"

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