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"Bad feeling is a lost cause, if only she knew where it would place her"


I didn't notice when I blacked out after witnessing that horrific scene. It turned out to be a man who was stabbed profusely, without any remorse. He was like a walking dead the moment I looked at him. Luckily, he was still standing straight when he reached out to me; that's what was I witnessed before the flop.

I felt something poke me in my sleep but I was reluctant to stand up. I was in a trance. It got to a point, in my daydream, I saw my neck being held by the man as I was raised upwards and I held my neck in repulse toiling in the sand. His face showed real anger. The trance ceased at that point. I woke up immediately after that. It was a long night and I discovered it was dawn.

I squinted my eyes at the brightness of the sky and I put my head down for a little while so that the sleep could finally ease. When that was over, I touched my hand and I could feel so much sand had reeled up, it was all over my body. I started erasing the sand off my body as I looked around my environment.

I squealed when I saw the dead man, tears filled my eyes at this moment as I crawled away from him in search of my phone. Alas! I found it. I breathed out an air of pleasure as I pressed the device to my chest, holding it ever so tightly.

I unlocked my phone and the first notification I saw was alarming. It read: thirty missed calls from Ted. I became upset after seeing this and this is because he was not patient enough to search for me and that's if he came to the beach.

Although I was alone yesterday, I decidedly called 911, requesting the injured man so he would be taken to the hospital. Well, one thing I forgot to do is to check his pulse to know if he was still alive which I was scared to do, His body was dealt with.

After waiting for a while, while I paced up and down, the ambulance finally came and I directed some members of the medical emergency team to where the man was laid. They carried him away and placed him on the stretcher and rolled him into the bus. While he was being taken away, one of them walked down to where I stood.

"Is he dead?" One of them asked.

"I don't know, Please just save him!"

I croaked out and I placed my hands over my mouth to keep my tears in check. Absurd moments happen in life. This was my first time witnessing someone who's about to die or a fatal incident in reality.

"It's fine. you can come with us, ma'am"

He advised. I nodded my head in approval but I begged for more time to think and somehow call my nerves to which they agreed. I moved over to a secluded spot and as I opened my phone, I scrolled through my call history. I thought of calling Ted to tell him I'm fine, but later on, I decided against it. I raised my head and I noticed they watched my every move with curiosity and sympathy.

I shook my head at this and I walked to where the bus was parked and I entered swiftly. I couldn't let them wait that long, an innocent man's life was at stake.

During our journey to the hospital, I saw a familiar being. I used the hem of the garment to clean the window of the bus properly to be sure of who I saw and I discovered it was Ted.

He was sleeping peacefully on a garden bench by a field not too far away from the beach. A deep frown was etched on his forehead, he looked stressed to him. I looked down at his legs and I noticed he wasn't alone; he was sleeping happily beside a lady whom I didn't recognize. Her hair covered her face so it was difficult for me to see her perfectly.

Ahh! I remembered what was sent to me. It all makes sense now. I seethe in anger and I made up my mind to talk things out with him. He was the reason for my anguish last night.

"Stop the bus!"

I ordered emphatically. The order came too late, I turned to see why the driver hadn't stopped. Rather, the bus kept moving at speed, he must have missed something, and right now a trailer was rushing down our lane, there were two cars also trying to overtake the trailer.

Sadly, there was no division on the road and it wasn't wide enough. In the course of the driver trying to swerve to a better position, he hit a big rail or a barrier which I would refer to and it caused my body to swing so violently to a dangerous edge of the bus and I fainted again. It took me unawares!


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