Dead Man Walking

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-Third Person POV-

Deku plunged the knife in Bakugos chest. Immediately Bakugo coughed up blood right onto Deku. He just kept laughing and said something to Bakugo.

"It seems we have similar scars, but I have a great idea. What if they matched! We could be matching Katsuki~" Deku trailed on as he ripped the dagger from Bakugos chest. He then leaned in towards Bakugos eye and stabbed it in. Another scream echoed across the battlefield at this moment and everyone went silent. Except for Deku of course. He was still laughing psychotically while dissecting Bakugos eye.

Then he fell to the ground. Bakugo got up and tied him down to the ground. Bakugo was stumbling around trying to punch Deku but kept missing. Even though Deku was out cold. That's when Bakugo heard that scream again, only this time it wasn't about him. Bakugo looked over and dashed in the direction of the scream.

-Bakugo POV-

I heard Kiri's scream and ran towards it. I couldn't stand straight, or see straight either. I ckuld hear though and I used that to find him. I finally found him and saw him laid across the ground. His arm was five feet away from him and That half and half was on top of him. Smiling and laughing, who the fuck does that!

I rushed over and pushed Todoroki to the ground. I thought that I made his head bleed, but the blood was actually pouring out from his eye. The only problem was that he was still smiling. He started laughing when I punched him. He kept laugh no matter how hard I tried.

Finally I gave up and went to Kiri. He had said that he could fix himself up, so that's why I left. But the sight I saw said otherwise. He had a pool of blood bigger than him all around his body. His eyes weren't open and I couldn't get a pulse. WAKE UP WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP Wake Up...wake up... please.... I need you.

He wouldn't move at all and I cried over him. The only person who excepted me was dead.... He loved me, he cherished me, he didn't judge me. I loved him. I'm gonna kill that bastard.

I walked up to him and stepped on his stupid face. But I missed and fell. I was able to catch myself, but my vision is starting to go black. I tried to send off one last blast at Icy-Hot but I got hit by something and fell.

-Deku POV-

I woke up and Bakugo wasn't anywhere near me. He was across the battlefield and he seemed to be crying. I ran over there so I could catch him while his guard was down. Just then he got up and walked towards another body. Wait...That's Sho... I saw him getting ready to blast and knew I needed to run over there right now.

I reached him just in time. As he was aiming at Sho's face I snuck up behind him. I hit him and hit him and hit him. He seriously thought he could still win? I stabbed him and he was bleeding too much. Well he was dead now so it didn't matter. I don't really know why he tried to save everyone, even though he was pretty much a dead man walking.

Whatever. I leaned down to help Sho up. He grabbed my hand and I saw his face. His eye was bleeding profusely still. I ripped off a piece of my shirt and balled it up. It may not be sanitary but it's better than bleeding out."I love you babe." He said to me while blushing."Love you too."

-Third Person POV-

The battle of UA concluded. The two villains kissing over the dead bodies earned a new name. The Killer Kings, had a nice ring to it huh? The rest of civilization was devastated though. Multiple students were killed in the battle. Including
-Eijirou Kirishima
-Kastuki Bakugo
-Tsuyu Asui
-Ibara Shiozaki
-Yui Kodai
If the students were lucky enough to live then they were injured with over half needing to go to the hospital.

The Killer Kings left their mark on Japan. And the whole world. Yet class 1A was still determined to take them down. Let's see how this plays out....

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