All Eggs In One Basket

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Margaret keeps trying to friend me. I just keep ignoring her, and her corny self.
I bump into that man again, who was chopping the horse up.

"What's your name?" I ask, sounding like I'm bored, because I am.

"Why you need to know?" He asked suspicious

I shrugged, "Just asking to be friendly."

He pauses for a moment. "David." He says, kind of regretting
I try not to burst into laughter. David?? His name was so funny. But then I felt kind of bad for thinking of that, so I just played it cool.

"Nice name David." I say back, slightly smiling

"Don't call me that!" He snaps.

"Sorry." I say, annoyed. That made me pretty mad.

I guess this man just keeps to himself. Sounds like a good plan, just to avoid everyone. Especially Margaret.

Margaret tried to get me to eat again. This time, it was breakfast.

"Your breakfast is downstairs, hon. I'll be outside if you need anything." She says.

I just kept laying in bed.

After about 10 minutes, I was really hungry. I hadn't eaten in 2 days. The police guy was too mad to give me anything to eat. I kinda wish I didn't start his car alarm.

I scurried downstairs, checking the window to make sure Margaret wasn't inside. And, she wasn't.
I looked around wildly, trying to find food. My stomach was dying.
I saw a decorative plate on the table. I thought what Margaret might say if she knew I was eating, "I made sure we used our special plates, just for you!" I made stupid expressions while saying that in my head.
On the plate was two pieces of bread. They were stale, but I was too hungry to even think again.

I went outside after I was done with my "breakfast". I went the opposite way of Margaret. I didn't need more of her.
I picked up a stick and whooshed it through the grass. The dead, dead grass.
Just then, I slipped on something, falling in the spiky brown lawn. My knee was bleeding, but I didn't care. What I cared about was what the heck did I slip on. There's nothing slippery about grass and weeds.
It was a ball. A tennis ball, covered in slobber. And I found out who it belonged to quick.

A giant dog pounced on my chest, making me deflate. The dog got off me soon enough, and picked up the slobber ball with his mouth.
This must be Corny Lady and Old Man's dog. I think, while petting the huge animal

Darryl POV

I woke up, and went down the hall. I checked the time -10:53- and looked out the window. Sure enough, my dad was gone. I wasn't surprised at the slightest.
I collected enough eggs from the chickens. I don't think my father even knew we had chickens. I was planning to sell the eggs to some couple down the dusty road.

I put the eggs in a small basket and counted them. 24 eggs, I think, proud of my work. I was proud of the chickens too, of course.
I start walking down the road, and I got there quickly, since it didn't take long.
I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I remember the lady, Margaret, telling me if they don't answer, then just go to the back of the house.
I did so, and it revealed a big, brown field. I saw Margaret watering her garden, and I went up to her joyfully.

"Hiya Darryl!" She said happily

"Hi miss! I got some eggs, if you want to buy some." I say, slightly holding up the basket.

"Sure Honey! Let me just go get some money! 50¢ an egg again?" She asked

I nodded, and she started towards the house.
When she was inside, I was just looking around, admiring my eggs, and wondering if my dad would be proud of me. Probably not.
I looked in the distance at the barn all the way out there. Then, someone catches my eye. It was a black haired boy, about my age, with a dog and a stick.
He was looking back at me.
Then, Margaret suddenly was back. She paid for her eggs, and I thanked her and started my way back home.

I glanced at the boy one last time.

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