Crazy Dog!-Sirius Black

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Your Pov:

I walked into the Gryffindor common room, setting down my bag and hanging up my coat on a rack near by. I grabbed my Potions book and set it on the dark coffee table. I sighed as I looked at the fires embers dying down. I soon heard loud voices, before I could register anything I heard someone yell. "Y/N WATCH OUT!-" Before I knew it, I was knocked on the ground with a heavy object on my stomach. "Ouch-." I rubbed my head as I looked up to see a large black dog with a crooked grin and one ear flopped over as his  tounge hung out staring at me. Soon the dog covered me in sloppy kisses all over my face as I giggled. "Haha ah Padfoot! Bloody hell, come on now lets get up." I said as I stood up and dusted myself off as I patted the fluffy canine. "Sorry Y/n we tried to warn you about Padfoot's childishness." Remus said as he rubbed the back of his scarred neck. Padfoot seem to shoot him a death glare. "Alright come on Sirius you can get back into human form now, look everyone else is." I said with a sigh. "Y-yeah about that-" Peter started as he looked away. "Sirius kinda got himself uhh..., stuck in his animagus form.." James finished as he gave an awkward smile. "HE DID WHAT?" I practically yelled. The marauders all looked away shyly. I paced around the room as the three boys watched me and the dog stared at me. I mentally face palmed myself. "Okay, okay... One, has this happened before? Two grab my books please and see if we can find a cure. And lastly how long has he been stuck like this?" I questioned as I poked a finger at the dark colored mutt.  "Well, first of all no I don't believe so. Here are your books. And three about roughly 4 hours maybe?" James said as Remus flipped through the pages of my spell book on transfiguration. "Find anything yet Moony?" I asked as Remus shook his head. I sat down with my head between my hands, Sirius still in his dog form came and lay in my lap with almost sad eyes. I questioned his somber look as I patted his soft head. "Aha I found a simple remedy to cure Padfoot's problem!" Remus said happily. I smiled as I walked over to the small table he was at. I began reading the pages script.

{Time skip}

"Alright! We got all the ingredients, now we just need to brew it. The book says it should be almost like a tea, oh and don't worry it doesn't taste bad!" I said as I grabbed the ingredients while mixing them with hot water. The substance turned into an almost golden color. "Here try this Padfoot!" Peter said as he handed me the bottle. "Wait do I have to like give it to him like a bottle or like give him a bowl, genuine question-" I said confused. They all shrugged. "Great amazing help guys!" I said to myself as I gave Sirius the liquid like a small child.  "Ok and the book says he should be back to normal in either 24 minutes or an hour or two." I nodded to James' statement. "Well we should hit the hay." Suggested Peter as he and Remus yawned. We all agreed as we left to our dorms. {Pretend they have separate dorms not shared}  "So who's taking the dog until he shifts back?" I questioned. "You!" They all said pointing at me. "Fineee." I said with my hands up as the dark colored canine followed me up the stairs. "You know fair enough that I have to take you with me, considering you are my boyfriend." I watched as the dog's tail swayed from each side happily. "But should we go to your dorm or mine? Hmmm... We can just go to yours." I said as we made our way to the area near his dorm. I grabbed the spare key I had and opened the door and put my books down. I went to his wardrobe as I grabbed one of his grey jumpers. I went into the washroom to change. Once I got back  I saw the curled up hound on the bed. I giggled at the cuteness of him as I sat down and cuddled up near the dog as he lay on my chest. Within minutes I fell asleep.

{The next morning}

I woke up stretching my arms as I looked down seeing none other than my handsome boyfriend, Sirius. I remembered what happened last night {not like that you nasty's 0_0}  I laughed at his little 'stupidity'. He stirred in his sleep as he slowly opened his eyes. "Oh hello dear, gosh what happened?" He questioned tiredly. "Basically, you got stuck in animagus form and we had to make a cure and then we stayed here until you were human again." You explained as he just hummed in response while rubbing circles into my chest. "We should get up and meet the others." I started getting up as I got pulled back down into the bed. "They can wait." Sirius says as he snuggled back into my chest as I laughed. 

{Not gonna lie I got distracted and this tab has been open for like 4 hours- anyways thanks for reading! Bye lovelies!<3}

{906 words}

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