41 | rule 67

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C H A P T E R F O U R T Y - O N E

Once Vanessa left, the pure exhaustion of our journey became prominent. Within minutes, the loud, monstrous snores radiating off Heath filled the room, echoing in the barren cabin. My hand permanently glued itself to my mouth as yawned non-stop. Mina slouched over, her head resting on my shoulder as she – just audibly – mumbled about her distaste for the deal that had just been made.

Meanwhile, Theo left the cabin to see if there were any patches in the blocking spell Vanessa cast. When he opened the door to leave, a gust of cold air wrapped around us, but we were too tired to bring up any grievances.

Slowly, my head started to nod back and forth; I didn't know why, but I tried to fight off the sleep that so desperately wanted to overtake me. For the past couple of days, we slept, but it was always an alert kind of sleep, with one ear perked up in case of emergency. My body was not quite ready to adapt back to normalcy.

Or maybe it was my mind that was so resistant. The training and journey allowed my mind to stray from the thoughts that plagued and haunted me earlier: Pa was in danger. When my eyes fluttered shut, Pa was standing there, barely managing to not crumble to pieces from his wounds.

There was a light at the end of the tunnel, though. In a couple days, I would bring Vanessa – hopefully – to the Borderlands. I would be reunited with my family; Pa, Gran, Pop, Auntie, and Uncle. I could almost hear the shriek of excitement Gran would release when she saw me again.

But what about my life on the Outside? I had spent a short time without Theo's imposed house arrest in the Alpha Wing, leaving me with only glimpses of the wonders of the Outside world. I could already tell there was more opportunity in the Outside world. However, these past months could not erase or compare to my twenty years in the Borderlands.

However, I could not ignore the mark on my neck. It would tie me to Theo for the rest of our lives. Going back to the Borderlands would not be so easy with it tattooed on me. He would be on my mind constantly –  as if he wasn't on my mind enough already.

My mind then circled to Ma.


I spent twelve years suppressing my feelings about Ma. I had pushed her memory out of my thoughts, because, while I did miss her, I was more than lucky to have an overwhelming amount of love surrounding me. Gran always made it her mission to make sure I was never lacking for love, but the void Ma left could never truly be filled.

Part of me hoped she was dead as cruel as it sounded, because, when I went back over to the Borderlands, she would be dead to me once again. Knowing she could be out there somewhere, left a pit in my stomach. I couldn't swallow the thought maybe she left of her own free will.

How could she have left me behind?

How could she have left Pa behind?

I would have my answers soon enough, but, even though I knew those answers were close, I could not quench the static bubbling underneath my skin, twisting and turning. My body was tired, but it wanted to get up and move around. Clenching my jaw, I fought back these urges, tooth, and nail, trying my best to reach a calm state.

Minutes seemed to drag out into hours before the door opened back up again, waking up both Mina and Heath, finally giving pause to the ear-shattering snores.

"Hope you missed me," Vanessa walked into the cabin empty-handed.

Knitting my eyebrows together, I was about to question her lack of supplies when Theo came trotting in behind her with a light brown tote back that was bursting at the seams.

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