Part 1

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Original Part 1 TikTok:
There was a sudden and urgent call to action for all hero agencies in the vicinity; a huge group of villains split up and are flooding the area! Due to this, the heroes also had to spread their numbers thin in order to cover enough ground. Bakugo and Deku found themselves alone in a public park. The park was silent, no souls around as everyone took shelter during the alert.

"We need to keep our guard up," reminded Deku. "The villains could be anywhere at this point."

Bakugo responds with some annoyed growls and grunts as he scans the park.

Suddenly, there was a bit of movement in the nearby trees. Some birds flew off, a clear sign of some disturbance in the area. The two boys stay close together as they slowly approach. A quick golden flash goes by their peripheral before hearing a loud snap.

Deku jumps back as Bakugo immediately starts firing explosions in the general direction the flash went. Before long, they heard a chuckle.

"So these are the toys I get to play with today."

The two turn around to see a figure sitting calmly in a nearby tree. Deku and Bakugo had never encountered this villain before. The figure jumps down and slowly starts walking towards them. Deku readies himself as Bakugo takes aim. The villain laughs, his smirk enhanced by the long scar originating from the corner of his mouth, following his cheekbone all the way up to his ear.

"What an active couple you are."

The villain lunges forward as a glowing yellow string appears from his fingertips. He starts using them like whips to try and hit Deku as Bakugo flies out of the way.

"Is this guy like Best Jeanist?" Deku thinks to himself. "No, it's not typical string... Maybe he's the Puppeteering villain we've been hearing rumors about."

Not having much to go on, They try to quickly asses the situation. For now they need to avoid those strings. They do this dance for a while before the villain catches on.

"You two are just annoying brats aren't you. Nothing a little bit of action from the Manipulator can't fix. I'll silence you boys quickly."

He quickly fades behind Bakugo with his strings at the ready.

"Kacchan! The villain!"

"What the-" Bakugo was cut off before he could finish his thought. He looked down and saw a yellow strings collar hovering around his neck like a halo. His mind feels slightly foggy, but he maintained full awareness. He tried speaking but couldn't get the words to come out. The villain gave an evil grin as he waved his hand and pointed straight at Deku. Bakugo's body moved on its own. It lunged aggressively at Deku. It went by so fast. Bakugo watched in horror as he got a solid tight grip around Deku's neck.

"N-no..." Bakugo thought to himself.

Deku grabbed Bakugo's wrist with one hand but is unable to make him let go.


All Bakugo could do was look on in horror. He couldn't control his body, he couldn't speak out. Before long, he heard a familiar voice ring in his head.

"Yes, Katsuki. Do as I say. You're under my command now."

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