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Naina was looking herself in the mirror.

Am I really beautiful....I know I look decent but nobody praised me the way Ian did......She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realized that Shreya was standing beside the door and watching her.

" Ohhhh wow..... Someone is blushing today". "What's up huummm..."She said from behind.

"Whaaatttt.... Nothing..... What are you talking??" She said while looking here and there.

Shreya came nearer to her and pointed toward her face.
" This... I am talking about this. "She said.

"It's nothing ... I was just going to fresh n up. Ian is coming to pick me. I need to hurry up". She said walking towards the almirah.

"Whatttt..... Where are you going..??. Oh my God, are you going on a date with him?"... Shreya screamed in exitement.

" Noooo... Shreya.. It's not like that. He was going to club with his friends. So he asked me to join them. First I was not interested but he insisted so I said yes...". Naina told her.

"Ok. So it's a hangout with friends... So what are you going to wear?" She asked while checking out her clothes.

" I don't know... May be this top. What you say?" Naina asked her while showing her blue top.

"hmmm...this is just ok but I don't think it's apt for that place. Don't you have anything shimmery." She asked.

"Yes, I do have few heavy Indian dresses. But I can't wear them in a club".Naina said giggling .

"Oh shut up Naina...... Come with me I have some dresses. You can choose something out of them". Shreya said and opened her wardrobe.

She showed her a black sleeveless dress of knee length."See how is this ". She asked.

" No Shreya... I can't wear this . Have you ever seen me wearing these kinds of dresses". Naina said putting that back.

"Why? What's the problem in wearing it. It is not very short. It has decent length".She said in confusion.

" I know Shreya. It is not that revealing. Anyone can wear it. But I can't.
You know although I am from Delhi.And it is quite normal there to wear short clothes even my friends wear them but my family has always been very conservative. I was never allowed to wear these kinds of dresses. And to be honest I myself feel uncomfortable in them. I am not able to carry them. So please understand.. " She explained.

"Oh god Naina... You are really different from other girls. You know if any other girl would get the chance to hang out with can't imagine what would they do to seek his attention. "... She said and sighed.

"Shreya... I don't want anyone's attention. I am going just to spend some good time with them.They are just my friends". She cleared.

" Ok, ok. I understand. So what about this? "Shreya  showed her a black long skirt with white top. The top has some beautiful floral detailing. It was simply beautiful.

"Wow, this is so beautiful. Thanks Shreya" Naina said while hugging her.

"You are most welcome dear... Now go and get ready. It's already six thirty".

Naina saw the time and panicked. Oh God I should hurry up. ..She thought and  quickly went to bathroom for shower. After wearing those clothes she was tying her hair when Shreya stopped her.

"Naina... Don't you get bored of the same hairstyle. I mean look, you have such beautiful long hair but you always make ponytail. Why don't you let them loose sometimes". She was unable to understand.

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