Sobering up.

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Thankfully we were able to sober up and I laid on an empty autopsy table next to the mummy, wearing headphones, Peter sat next to me on a chair with sunglasses on since his eyes were hurting from the lights while Jack, Temperance and Angie worked.
"Crystal meth is made from cold medicine, lye and the strike pads from matchbooks. The body was not designed to deal with that kind of assault." Jack told
"So I'm finding out." Temperance told
"My brain is owie." I stated.
"Can we please turn everything off?" Peter asked.
"Chamomile tea? It's very soothing." Jack added making me and Peter flip him off.
"No, I just need your results." She told
"How about a stick to pry the monkey off your back?"
"Are you sure you need me here?" Angie asked.
"Payback for showing me the good life."
"I just want my body to stop being owie.... As well as my body to not ache."
"Maybe you shouldn't have done 50 laps around the parking lot." Jack told with a smirk making me think back.

"Did you see how fast I can run?!" I questioned Zack.
"I did."
"First one to the tree has to be kissed by the loser!"
"Go!" I told before running.
"Ash!" He explained as he ran after me.

"I can't believe I did that."
"Why the fuck is there a painted handprint on the floor?" Peter asked pointing to it.
"You did it." Jack informed.
"Who the fuck gave me paint?"
"It was the only thing to keep you in place." Angie told before groaning.
"Ok, so how is my man, the Tut?" Seeley asked as he came and joined us.
"In better shape than I am." Temperance told
"Why do I have a fuzzy memory of Seeley grabbing me?" I asked as I finally sat up.
"Because you were going to do a backflip off the balcony."
"Smart move."
"Because you could have hurt yourself?" He asked
"No. I don't do backflips." I told making Jack laugh.
"The meth found in his lungs and nasal passages matches the meth that juiced Angela, Peter, Energy girl and the good doctor here." Jack told as he hands the report to Temperance.
"Can you please keep it clinical?" She asked
"So, uh, he died of an overdose." Seeley asked
"Maybe Ash and Peter's dad died of one." Jack told making us give him a confused look.
"What?" We both asked as Temperance went through the report.
"Asphyxiation. Meth coated the alveoli in his lungs, making breathing impossible." She told
"So, uh, he overdosed with his meth behind the wall." Seeley wondered.
"Well, the space was too narrow for him to squeeze through. He got stuck, the bag broke, and when he gasped for air he inhaled and died instantaneously."
"I'm sorry could we like back up to the thing Jack said before?" I asked raising my hand a bit like I was in school.
"I second that." Peter added doing the same only for it to be ignored.
"The dry air convection behind the wall removed most of the moisture from his body." Temperance told
"How long was he, uh, in there?" Seeley asked
"Judging from the acrid mites in his ears, I'd say six weeks." Jack told.
"Hey, didn't he have hands?" Seeley asked as he pointed to the mummy.
"Yes he did. But let's circle back here. What did you say Jack?"
"That your father might have died from an overdose. Cause he does drugs." He told
"Who told you?" We both asked.
"What's with them not remembering?" Seeley questioned.
"Our memory is fuzzy in some places from when we were hyped up on meth." I quickly explained.
"So you don't remember telling us your father did drugs and you have a restraining order against him?" Seeley asked
"We said that?!"
"Yes. Also some other stuff and how you got the scar on your face."
"I hate how open high us are." Peter confessed.
"You also kept calling Zack, Zackey and kept hugging him."
"Yeah that actually sounds like me."
"Also your a widow." Jack added.
"Yeah.... We don't talk about that one. Or I will fight you." I informed before looking at Peter. "Food?"
"Fuck yes." He told making us get up and head off to find something to eat to help with the headache.

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