We'll be alright

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It happened three years before. Louis knew it would eventually lead to touch deprivation, but he did not anticipate how bad it would be.

Three years ago...

"Babe, I'm home," Louis announced as he haphazardly dropped his satchel on a chair.

He got no response which was weird considering Jamie barely ever got home late. He sighed as he rolled his tense shoulders on his way towards his bedroom.

He stopped dead in his tracks when the smell of arousal assaulted his nose, followed by loud moans and whimpers. Louis' heart beat vigorously and fearfully in his chest as he hoped that the high pitched moans belonged to Jamie, but he knew he was fooling himself when the smell of roses Invaded his senses. Jamie did not smell of roses and neither did Louis.

With tears pricking his eyes, he pushed the bedroom door open which made its inhabitants shriek as they hurried to cover their nudity. What hurt more was seeing his own sister Deliah in bed with his alpha. "W-What is going on here?" Louis asked as he pinched himself to hopefully wake himself up from this dreadful nightmare.

"Why didn't you knock?" Was the first thing Jamie asked.

"I called out to you and this is my home too. Why do I have to knock?" Louis asked with his heart beating painfully in his chest. "How long has this been going on?"

"Louis I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to–" Louis cut her off with a cynical laugh.

"You didn't mean to what Deliah? Sleep with your brother's alpha? Did you accidentally sleep with him? I asked how long?!" Louis yelled, tears blurring the naked figures on his bed.

Silence prevailed for a moment too long and Louis knew he was going to despise his sister for as long as he lived because while Louis could break up with Jamie, he had to meet Deliah at every family gathering even if he did not want to.

"Two years," she whispered and Louis felt his heart crack and his omega whine painfully.

"Two years?! That's how long we dated, Jamie!? Could you have not led me on if you were just going to fuck my sister?!" He burst out making Deliah wince at his brash language.

"Hey don't speak about her like that!" Louis shut his mouth, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"I can't believe you would do this," Louis whispered. "You have been cheating on me for so long with my sister of all people!" Louis yelled as he grabbed things from his room haphazardly and dumped it into his sports bag.

Deliah jumped off the bed and reached out for Louis, uncaring of her nudity in an attempt to get him to stop. "Louis please, please don't-" Louis pulled his hand away viciously as if he was burned by her very touch as he made his way out of his bedroom.

"Don't fucking touch me, Deliah. You are not my sister. Don't fucking talk to me ever again," he seethed as he grabbed his satchel, shoes and car keys and slammed the door on his way out of the apartment he shared with Jamie.

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