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"You've been asleep for 100 years." A voice called out from who knows where. Everything was dark, damp, and wet. Throwing off his sense of balance. Not like he needed it though, he was laying on his back, it being uncomfortable like he was on stone flooring. He slowly regained the feel of his hands and feet, it was like he was being created. From his hair to his nails, piece by piece. He liked the feeling, but all good things must come to an end. Everything bliss only happens for moments, before slowing to a stop.
He opened his eyes to see his brother, splashing him with water from a blue plastic basket with no visible holes except for the top where he splashed another swig of water on him. He groaned and rolled over to sink an inch into muddy grass that seemingly materialized there. It felt that way because he didn't expect it. And when he fully realized his surroundings, he looked to the sun. He was outside, a few steps outside of their front door walkway. The brother stood up and laughed maniacally.
"RAHAHA! I can't believe that woke you up! You're lucky I resorted to water then to just start dragging you on concrete." Buddy covered his face with his hand and looked up, trying to seem evil. He then laughed again menacingly, like he was practicing. "Then how am i here?" Strider replied. Him, doused in water, started wringing his shorts and white tee out, grumbling. Chills ran throughout his body as a shiver passed his mental. It was a decent day, the sun was shining, a cool breeze, but he was pretty skimpy and cold. His wet black hair shining from the water droplets slowly letting all of their mass drop to his shorts. His dark brown skin shimmering it the light as he pushed himself off the grass with his hands, getting into a criss-cross position, hands still in the dirt. "Oh, i just put you on the sleigh." Proeth pointed to a pastel yellow circular saucer. It was large enough to put a lawnmower on brought back memories frankly, but it was from a different time, different place, not like it snowed here much, anyway.
"Oh okay, thank you for having no humans harmed in the process, but I SERIOUSLY THINK IF YOU PLAYED SOMETHING WITH A PIANO IT WOULD WAKE ME UP." He yelled that, kind of pissed that he had to take a shower again. It was two in the afternoon, surprising a boy his age could sleep for that long, yet not so surprising when you see what he really does when awake. He looked to his home and at his hands. Some grass blades and dirt stuck to them as he thought about something, specifically his dream. It was as bland as ever, him imagining someone he admired was in his living room doing a tv show as if their house was a set. He thought it was average at least, he thought it was the right amount of randomness that made the vibe just feel normal. He enjoyed dreams that he didn't need to separate from reality, made it easier to process waking up. He was sixteen, his brother fourteen. And they were living at their older sisters house. Seeing as she was nineteen and already had a roof over her head really said something about their parents and the people they were around. She had a job in robotics, specifically mobile ones. Having wheels, limbs mostly bipedal. Strider really wanted to be a scientist and Proeth desperately wanted to be a exercise or fighting trainer. Their parents were explorers and could afford to go and do anything, anywhere in the world. But seeing as their sister and them really wanted to stay stationary, they gave them the house and went off for another three months. It wasn't exactly rare to see them, and if they wanted, they could tag along. But, they really got all they wanted when they were kids. Even if it was only basically two years. A lot of things happened frankly, something about government funded scientists prove the multiverse theory, some sort of chemical, now few people have abilities that can travel down bloodlines if left alone. The government isn't exactly sweating on this, just giving out a 'please turn yourself in, this could make a lot of laws of nature and physics irrelevant' paper. Unfortunately their family has been exposed to it and have something, the government just don't know they do, and the family decided to keep it under wraps. Proeth sprayed Strider with the hose, knocking him out of his thinking haze. "Come on, get inside, Chino's at work! Let's go play battleship or something, you always make it fun!"
And there he went, Shutting the door with the knocker and small openable hatch clanging on the metal door painted to look like wood. He just sat there for a second, then stood up, wringing out as much water as he could from his clothes before going inside. Going through the living room into a hallway with their rooms, entering his and Proeths. They shared a room, and while he hated it at times, he couldn't sleep without some sort of white noise. And in this case, his brother going on about whatever for hours. He walked past him into their bathroom, him turning the nozzle followed by a 'Why now?' From Proeth, oblivious to what he did.
He ignored him as he took a 15 minute shower, suspecting another eventless week. As he hopped out, grabbing boxers out the bathroom drawer and putting them on, Proeth began running his mouth again. "That took so long! Again, why now?! You could have did that later!" He whined, crouching to the floor defeated. "Should have thought about that before waterboarding me and expecting me to play a board game damp as hell."
Strider replied condescendingly as he put on grey sweatpants and a navy blue shirt on before sitting down. "Maybe later though, i just wanna like process things for about like an hour in my bed"
"Your going to do that for like five minutes, I'll go ahead and set it up then." Proeth exclaimed as he took pieces out of the box. Strider just sat there, just as blank-faced as he was blank-minded. He sat up and sighed as he said a simple 'Alright lets do this' and slid down to the ground where Proeth was sitting to finally play whatever Proeth was on about. Sunday's are supposed to be easy going, Strider fully believed that. Glad he didn't go to church, he decided to enjoy doing things and being active instead of the lazing around he got used to, he knew someone was going to use him not doing anything as an excuse. 'You don't do anything at home, and you don't need to do anything at church.'
He had grown to enjoy gospel music, but not as much as jazz. The instruments and creative freedom of it all was amazing to him, truly made him think he could really could do anything he enjoyed and make a living off it.
As Strider told Proeth's last ship coordinate, he thought about how his life could possibly change. He didn't really want it to, but it couldn't hurt for it to get just a tiny bit more exciting. When he found out they had abilities, his whole family agreed to hide it since in terms of self defense and exploration, it could be extremely beneficial.
His mother had enhanced thinking and strategy making. good for planning ahead, and if she paid attention enough, she could most likely predict what was going to happen.
Their father had something like shapeshifting. they could warp their skin, make it sticky or sharp and manipulate its stretchiness, size, and if it was like another arm or leg. It was good for a multitude of things. Carrying things, getting around, and gliding.
Then he thought about his siblings powers. Strider was thought to have the strongest ability, that's what his mother said anyway. He could shoot out bluish-pink crystals from his hands and fingers, they could float and they were non-conductive. The width and height of the shape had to be smaller than the palm of his hand, but the length could be as long as he wanted. He found out that he had a 300 pound limit to how much crystals he could have out, and he could make complicated shapes with his ability.
Proeth had sword summoning, but he can only create swords out of items and energies he is exposed to. If he makes a sword rise out of a rock, it's made of stone. If it rises out of a plate, it's probably glass. It doesn't use the items mass, so he could just theoretically have a small golden plate on his shirt and pull out a sword from there. Oddly enough, he cannot use the same spot on a surface twice. And if he doesn't try picking up any of the swords, they just retract into the ground. This power was dependent on Proeth's skill as a fighter. He was decent at sword fighting, but he knew he could improve.
He was working with Striders best friend, Rota.  His family had been exposed to the chemicals too, His ability strengthened his mind by giving him and odd bunch of psychic abilities. His strength drastically improved, and so did his movement. He could create small energy blasts, directed from his palms, and differentiate between different kinds.
His sister only really had the ability of amplifying somethings performance by up to 1.3, and worsening an item up to 1.3. Only lasting for a short period before the amplified items fizzle out to normal. The thought it sucked that she had something like this, but their father said 'It was a support ability' and 'Its ironic, your still the backbone of this family.' It made her feel good and work harder. As his thought came to an end and the sweet sounds of Proeth making up excuses on why he lost, getting up and leaving the room to probably play a console they had. Strider hopped back up in his bed and got lost in his thoughts again.
'Damn, i really have nothing going for me.'
He sighed, thinking about what he could do. The console was getting old, same old games, same old levels he would get stuck on. He didn't know if he was actually lying to himself when he said he didn't want anything to change. He sighed, knowing that even if it did, his chest would still be full of the breaths he was taking now. Small, hot, and bored. Each one making him slide more to the fact that this might be his life in the future. He pulled out his phone for any new messages, then when he saw none, just slid under his blanket and fell to sleep. He dreamt nothing, thinking of nothing as the darkness passed. He slept until the morning of the next day. Amazing how it was three PM when he fell asleep. He wasn't really doing nothing last night, just listening to music as he fell into slumber. He kind of felt something was wrong with him. He was kind of skinny, had a high metabolism. which in turn made him eat a lot. He didn't enjoy always being this tired, nor didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to because of the attention seeking people being tied to these things. Flexing about how much is wrong with them like it was a trophy. All he knew was he would forget about this feeling tomorrow, always did. And if he didn't, he would distract himself long enough from it so it would fade.

Megáli Dynatótita: A Boy and The World Around Him.Where stories live. Discover now