3: New friends

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The next day, you roll out of bed and get ready. And the cycle repeats. When the time comes, you say goodbye to my family and get on the bus, resting your head against the window.

The bus soon arrives and you head inside, getting to class and sitting down. You glance over at Cassandra and smile slightly. She looks back and gives a sort of smirk?  You weren't quite sure...

The teacher arrives and gets started with the lesson, he fumbles around with his books. Cassandra chuckles at the disorganisation. "He says he's been teaching for like 30 years, I call bullshit" She made you giggle a little.

————Time skip————

You head into the cafeteria and Cassandra called you over. "Hey, Y/N! Over here!" You smile and sit down. She introduces you to her friend group. Cyril, the pink-haired guy was actually a really nice guy despite his tough exterior, he seemed to be quite clumsy as well, fumbling over his words occasionally. Alucard, the blue guy was quite reserved and appeared to remain neutral, Cassandra had mentioned his telekinesis. I think it's quite cool. Then there's Harold, he says he hates that name so they call him Hanzou, he seems like a hardcore weeb.

They were all quite friendly towards you and you talked for the rest of lunch, You shake your arms in delight.

"Why are you doing that?.." Cy asks

"Doing what?..." you were suddenly hit with realisation, "oh... I just do that when I'm happy?..."

He shrugs it off and you're glad he did, you weren't particularly ashamed of your stims but that was an awkward situation.

When the bell rings, you head to history. You were sat at the back, next to Hanzou. We spent the whole lesson rambling about the parts of history we liked, he'd talk on and on about Japanese history and you'd talk about the plagues.

"Isn't it funny how every century, a plague broke out? 1720... 1820...1920.... It's just weird... but hey, plague doctors looked absolutely awesome!"

He nods and chuckles, quite a cool guy. Definitely someone you could ramble about random shit to and you feel like he feels the same.

The bell soon rings and the class eagerly leaves. You walk out of the door, practically dragging your bag behind you, just one more hour and you'd be free for the night.

You head to class and sit down, next to Cassandra. She looks at you with a smile, that was new. You smile back, glad that she wasn't angry for once, at least that's what you assumed. The lesson was boring as you anticipated and it dragged on for a while.

————Time skip————

You walk off the school grounds, carrying a few stapled sheets of paper, your first homework assignment since moving. You sigh, at least you'll have something to do tonight.

You sit at the bus stop just as it starts to rain. It reminded you of your old home in an oddly pleasant way, you sort of missed it but you felt content where you were. You soon get up as the bus arrives and it takes you home.

You walk in the door and dump your things, sitting at the table and getting your assignment out. You grab a pen and a drink.

"Was it in the 1500s or..."

You tap the pen against your cheek and work through the sheet before your family get home.

Your sisters run around, screaming and fighting which makes you huff and take your things upstairs to avoid the chaos. You flop on your bed and take a nap, which was more like a coma.

————Time skip————

You're shaken awake by your Mother, it was dark so it was obvious you'd missed dinner.


You groan and shift in reluctant acknowledgment. She places a plate and a mug on your desk.

You get up once she leaves and sit at your desk, looking at the food she'd made. A baked potato with chilli and cheese, arguably the best thing to have on a potato complete with a mug of decaf tea. You weren't really fond of decaf but if you wanted to sleep tonight, it would have to do. You sip it and eat your dinner.

Once you were done, you head downstairs and dump your dirty stuff in the sink. You wash them, watching what was left of the sun set out the window.

Hours later, you head back to bed having actually gotten into something comfy. You slowly doze off, happy that you'd actually made some friends despite the awkward position being the new kid is.

The spark in her eyes (Cassandra x autistic reader)Where stories live. Discover now