4: .....what.. was that?

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You lift your eyelids tiredly, it took an unreasonable amount of effort. Your surroundings were dark, you'd woken in the middle of the night. This wasn't uncommon for you, college (while fun) messed up your sleep schedule to the point you haven't had a proper 8-hour sleep, just naps with work in between.

Despite your fatigue, your eyes forcefully open. You huff, knowing that it would take a few hours to get back to sleep.  You roll out of bed and get up and that's when you notice something weird. Everything in your room was lit with a faint and dim light coming from your window. The yellow light paints the mess on your desk gently, it was almost calming, despite the creeping feeling that something wasn't right.

Your head twitches and you scratch at the back of your head, ruffling the hair and walking to the window. You rub your eye and open the curtain.

You jump back in surprise, fully awake now, to find a huge glowing eye staring at you. You look away, unnerved. It's gaze sending shivers down your spine, virtually paralysing you. You thrust your arms out and shut the curtains, sighing.

"What in the hell was that?"

You shudder, are you dreaming?... You sigh with relief as the faint light leaves the curtains and go back to bed, pale with shock.

You desperately hoped this was some sort of fever dream....

A/N: jeez, this was short and kinda cliché but this was fun to write lol.

The spark in her eyes (Cassandra x autistic reader)Where stories live. Discover now