Chapter 6

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Wooo punishment day

Ahead of the procession was the Kings and Ahrea, all of them wearing long black cloaks, like coals, that floated ethereally behind them. They looked like angels. The 2 twins and the brothers were walking slightly behind with cloaks almost as dark as the monarchs but not the same. Slightly lighter. Finally there were the elite and lower guards all decked out in varying shades of grey. As Ahrea surveyed the procession her eyes lit in laughter. 50 shades of grey my love she though as she connected her and Aro's hands. His eyes locked on hers and he rolled them. "Really darling". She huffed and walked over to Caius, wrapping her arm around his waist as he flung his over her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I have missed you, my angel. When I thought I'd lost you. It felt. It felt like my heart had been torn out and pierced. A hundred times over. It was worse for Marcus and Aro. Aro saw what they made him think. He saw you tortured, they did unspeakable things to you. He went mental. And Marcus. Marcus shut down. He cried. Ahrea. He cried. It was one tear but we all saw it. He was in pieces after Didyme and she wasn't even his true mate. You know what hurts mi amor. The fact that Carlisle the man who was a friend betrayed us. I took him on as my son. We looked after him. Where did we go wrong? I held him after he had been turned. When he was hurting after his father tried to kill him who was there? Me, you, Marcus and Aro. He changed when he left. He abandoned us". Ahrea halted and turned her blonde mate and pressed their foreheads together. "Something is wrong with Carlisle my darling. My son would never try to kill me. I'm very confused love but one thing that has not changed is my love for you 3. Or my love for my children. And although I still love Carlisle I will never ever leave you or my other children". A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and a few strands of silver hair floated into her vision. A familiar musky scent dulled her senses and she felt the nose buried in her neck. She pressed herself back into the chiseled chest, keeping her and Caius' foreheads together. She looked over, her eyes locking on Aro's. "Come here my love" she whispered and the other was quick to bury himself into her side. "I love you as well, amor. More than life itself". The moments passed before a soft cough disrupted the air. "We need to leave child". Ahrea nodded at Palpatine before moving back. "Let's go kill the bastards".

The Cullens all looked up simultaneously as the footsteps crunched in the snow, synchronised, threatening. "Cullens we-". Darth Vader was cut off by an angry hiss, surprisingly not from Caius but Marcus. "I have no patience for this farce. Be done with this. The penalty for killing not only the elite guard but the Queen is immediate death. No inquiry needed brothers". The others nodded in agreement and the demons below the ground let out loud roars, like thunder. A hand in the air silenced them. "SILENCE" she strode forward the lotos scurrying for the ground. "You killed my husbands. The Kings. You will all stand trial for your crimes against the crown. Compliance may lessen your sentence in some way. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Kneel before your Queen or die". The guards surrounded them.
"SHE SAID KNEEL". Caius' roar sent shivers down their spines. "Kneel before your consequences". The Cullens stayed standing as the smarter of the bunch fell to their knees. The Queen's eyes went dark.
'"Amun, boy your coven did not have much to do with this. Hand over your youngest, the earth child and you will be forgiven. Entirely. You have 5 minutes to decide". Amun was quick to push Ben to the nearest guard (Alec who almost immediately sedated him) and to run. His mate remained.
"Amazonians you may leave. We require nothing from innocent souls such as yourselves, Irish you as well. Finally, Romanians. This is the second time your revolution has failed. You killed my sister and I let you go. I destroyed your castles but left you with your lives. This kindness was not accepted with gratitude. Sulcipia and Athendora. Avenge your sister". The two women launched at the smug idiots and tore off their heads from where they were being forced to kneel in front of the royals . They would live but being unable to move was a horrible way to die. To feel the burning of your limbs. "Onto the Denalis. Eleazar and Carmen. You have betrayed us but no more than the others. Go. Now. Kate, Tanya, care to explain to Garret what exactly you've done". Garret looked very very confused.
"Excuse me my Queen what?".
"The girls here faked a mate bond with you, come to me my child and I will fix the mess caused by these succubi. You will be free to leave.". She held her hand out and Garret cautiously approached the woman. He knelt to the floor and with a loud scream his thoughts were cleared. "Thank you my Queen, thank you, thank you". He kissed her shoes, an act that most overlooked as sheer devotion for the monarch. "Go and live your life to the fullest". The man spun on his heel and made to leave before a soft 'stop' drew everyone's attention to Marcus. "Athendora if you could come here please". The blonde made her way over to her brother. "Look Garret in the eyes sister". The two looked at each other curiously and the crowd watched in anticipation. A glimmering purple sheen coated both of the vampires lenses and next thing they new the blonde was in Garret's arms.
"Leave sister and celebrate the joy of finding your mate" Ahrea praised with a slight inclination of her head. The Queen's blessing. The two bowed low before their rulers and sped off into the sunset. Her soft smile soon turned into a wicked grin. "Now Tanya and Kate, I have no use for you. Kill them". With a flick of her hand, their heads were on the floor and their bodies burnt in the flames. "Onto the Cullens, bring forward the blonde and her mate-" Rosalie and Emmett were thrown to the floor in front of them "You are charged with treason and the murder of the Prince of Volterra. The punishment is immediate death. I apologise for this tragedy but you are corrupted. Lost causes. You must die. My son, kill them". Esme let out a scream as her son's head was removed from his head. A tortured yell escaped Rosalie's lips and as Alec went for the blonde, Ahrea interrupted. "Wait, leave her alive. Lock her in the dungeons. Rosalie Hale I hearby sentence you to 1000 years in the dungeons. You will never leave, will never die. You shall suffer for all eternity, so mote it be".
"Alice and Jasper. Alice my husband, for some reason, greatly desires your power so you shall be spared. Jasper is to be terminated. You ,bitch, are to be locked in the dungeon next to your sister. You will be our seer. If you do not help you will have a limb ripped off. One. By. One. Edward and Bella. You two are not worth my time. Death follows you both and you are a danger to my cause. You shall die and you shall suffer in doing so". Screams erupted from the mother Cullens throat as her children were torn away from her and either burnt or left to be imprisoned. Aro looked over at her in pride.
"I have never seen a more attractive sight than you being all authoritive , My Queen, but if I may,can I deal with our wayward son?". Ahrea conjured her throne from the ice below her feet and nodded. "Of course, my Kings. In fact, why don't all of you give him our punishments". Caius grinned widely at the idea. The three stalked around the younger blonde and Aro held out a hand.
"Would you indulge me, old friend, one more time".
"Father plea-".
A clawed hand was brought down on his cheek.
"You have no right. You betrayed us. You killed your family. You shall die a traitors death" Caius hissed.
"Caius wait let me see his thoughts a final time-" Aro swallowed painfully and held out his hand " We would have given you the world my son. We would have risked our lives for you. For your happiness but you betray us so openly. Betray us in the most heinous act. You killed your family so now I demand one last time. GIVE. ME. YOUR. HAND. Or. We. Kill. Her"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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