Chapter Three: Surprises

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Hey, how goes it?


Ryan's Point of View ;

"Hayley, I have a problem." I paced back and forth in my bedroom while Hayley sat on my bed with Pebbles, my six year old Egyptian Mau. He's fat.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here." She replied. "What's the emergency, Ross?"

"Brendon and Sarah." I stopped in the middle of my room, facing her.

"Sarah? Who's Sarah?"

"Orzechowski." Her eyes widened at the last name and she sat up more, making Pebbles jump off the bed.

"What about them?" She asked eagerly.

"I saw them after school in the parking lot. She was getting in his car and being all smiley and shit. Stupid cunt." I guess you could say I don't like Sarah. Never have since the first day I met her.

I thought she was nice, which she sure showed off to be, but she's just a backstabbing, lying bitch.

Sophmore year I had a crush on this guy named Clay. He was a Junior, so he isn't here anymore. Graduated last year.

I met Sarah that year, she was a Freshman and we had art together.

I thought she was nice so I started talking to her and we eventually became friends. When she asked if I had a girlfriend and no, she seemed happy. But I told her I was gay and her face fell into a shocked expression and she gave me a small, fake as fuck smile.

My point is, she pretty much forced me to tell her who I had a crush on and she went and told him. He was freaked out. Turns out, he isn't gay. Which shocked most of the school. After that, most of the guys stayed away from me, hoping I wouldn't get a crush on them. As if.

"Awh, Ry's jelly." Hayley mocked.

"I'm not jealous. I'm pissed off. She's gonna ruin his life."

"He doesn't like guys, Ryan. It's pretty obvious."

"Thanks for rubbing it in my face." Hayley just laughed.

"Let's go do something, I'm so bored!" She fell backward on my bed. I never thought I'd ever have a girl in my bed, but Hayley doesn't count.

"I have to study for a test." I lied.

"You never study, Ryan."

"I just don't feel like going out. I'll probably write some more useless songs and shove them in the box in my closet so they can never see day light again." She stood up from my bed and grabbed her bag.

"If you say so," her arms wrapped around me in a hug and she broke it soon after. "call if you're still feeling like shit. I'll come to the rescue."

I laughed, "Sure thing."

"See ya later." I said bye and she was gone.

I walked to my window and looked straight over at Brendon's house. I'm a creep, I know.

He was walking off of the porch and down the street with his hands in his pockets. I knew he didn't know where any places were around here, other than the park I, or Rylie, invited him to. So I waited to see if he turned left, because that would mean he's probably going to the park.

When he made the left turn, I quickly grabbed my hoodie, phone, wallet, keys and my notebook, because I needed an excuse if he saw me and said something, and took off out of my room and down the stairs.

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