Keiji Shinogi x Reader

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TW: Attempted kidnaping ig. also the kidnappers call u some offensive names so yea :l
Again i said i ship keialice but idfc. Sangwoo 2.0
Non-Death Game AU
Anyways, enjoy!

You screamed, trying to wriggle out of the mans grasp. The man tightened his grip around your neck, leaving you just able to breath. "Stop moving, slut."
Another man came out and started to push you into the van. You screamed with all your might, struggling to get someone's attention. "Stop resisting, bitch." said the second man.
The first man strengthened his grip around your neck, while the other continued trying to push you into the van.

Suddenly, you saw a ray of hope out of the corner of your bloodshot eyes; there was a tall, built walking near the parking lot you were in. You screamed, louder then you ever had before, though the scream was still only medium volume. Luckily, the man seemed to notice you. He ran towards you, causing the first man to let go of your neck. The second man stopped harassing you, but he didn't flee. He pulled out a small pocket knife. His eyes darted around, as if he were looking for an escape, until he stabbed you. Then he ran away, right before the tall man reached you.

The man had short, bleached blond hair with gray eyes that had slight eyebags. Nonetheless, you still thought he was threatening. Though it was painful, you still slowly backed up, but he held out his hand. "Please, don't worry. I'm just your friendly neighborhood policeman."
You didn't do anything in response, nor did you say anything. "Its going to be okay. An ambulance will be arriving soon, and there'll be detectives trying to figure out who did this to you."
Your head started to lull backwards, so he used his hand to stabilize it. Finally, you had met someone who didn't harass you. Someone who didn't bully you. You would've cried, but you didn't want him to hate you. ""
(end of flashback/recap/prologue/idk)

You had finally woke up after the surgery. You were still sore though, so you tried to find something that would distract you. Fortunately, there was a table full of gifts from your few (and not very compassionate) friends. You opened all of the presents, except for one that particularly caught your eye; a heart shaped box with a red letter tied to it.

You untied the card, then set it aside so you could open the cutesy package. Inside was an assortment of fancy chocolates, something which you had never gotten before. On Valentines day, all you ever got were hate messages. You sat down the chocolates and grabbed the letter. You quickly ripped it open. Within the letter was a note, specifically a love note. It read: 'Ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I thought you were the most beautiful person ever to exist. I decided that after you got done with your surgery, I would send this note to you. Please meet me at the hospital rooftop at 9:30 p.m.
You wondered why anyone would think you were beautiful, but you still decided you would meet this 'Keiji'.

-Time Skip-

It was 9:25 p.m. You got out of your hospital bed and put on your complementary blue slippers (and you wonder why you get bullied). You slowly but surely ascended each flight of stairs until you got to the top. You took one long, deep breath before opening the door to the roof. There, you saw the man who had saved you. His bleached blond hair was highlighted by the pale moonlight, making him look stunning. His arm was on the back of his neck as he gazed at the bright stars. You stood right in front of the door, waiting for him to notice you. Eventually, he cast a glance back and saw you.

"Ah, there you are."
You took a few steps forward, hoping not to be too awkward. "You look cute tonight, (Y/N)."
You blushed and mumbled "Thank you..."
Suddenly, Keiji's face turned more serious. "(Y/N)...Ever since I first saw you, I knew I would cherish and protect you until my dying days. I knew this confession was going to sound really cheesy but (Y/N)...Will you be my (gf/bf/lp)?"

Tears started to well up in your eyes, but Keiji used his thumbs to wipe them off. "I told you not to worry, didn't I?"
You nodded, too surprised to speak. Someone had, for the first time in your life, shown affection toward you. Overwhelmed by sudden emotions, you dove into his chest and hugged him as hard as you could. ""

-Time Skip-

You were snuggling on the couch with Keiji, watching a movie, when you suddenly felt sleepy. You gently laid your head on Keiji's shoulder and closed your eyes. In turn, you he rested his head on your head. His gentle breathing put you at ease. "Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."
You yawned snuggling closer to him. "I love you...more than...anything...else."
With that, you promptly fell asleep.

The End

So for all you detailed people who noticed that the reader never introduced themselves, you might be thinking keijis a stalker. however, that is incorrect. being the fanon sweetie he is, he waited for you during surgery and figured you name out then.

Final word count: 820 words

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