uhhh forgot to publish this sorry (KeiAlice)

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Ugh im sorry i forgot that i had finished this so um here
Btw i tried to make alice and keiji from when they were cannonically children (keiji was tsundere and alice was cinnamon roll) so its kinda ooc for the actual versions
Theyre like 7 or 8 in this

Keiji limped into the forest, his knee bleeding badly. "Ow..."
He knew if he went home, his parents would punish him for getting into fights. That punishment was usually worse than the original wound. The only adult he could've went to was Mr. Policeman, and even so, Mr. Policeman was busy with his newborn baby.

Keiji's limping leg caught on a rock, causing him to fall over. "Nnn..."
Keiji slowly struggled to get up, making his knee bleed even more.

He grabbed a leaf and wiped his the blood off his knee, only making the wound sting more. "Stupid fights..." Keiji muttered, trying to limp along.

The aspiring policeman angrily kicked rocks and stomped on sticks, quietly mimicking what his dad said when he was angry. Suddenly, a startled yelp sounded from behind him. He whirled around and immediately saw a kid (presumably his age) with flamboyant blue hair. Next to him was a little girl with brown, fluffy hair who was clutching his hand.

"What?" snapped Keiji, who wasn't quite in the mood for talking. "Y..You don't scare us!" exclaimed the boy. "What do you want?"
"You're injured!"
Keiji looked down. His scraped knee was slightly swollen, and blood was still oozing out.

The blue-haired boy let go of his sister's hand. "Reko, go get Mom."
The little girl nodded and ran off, leaving the two behind.

"I'm fine by myself." muttered Keiji.
"Yeah, well... You're probably lost too."
Keiji stared at the boy. "How did you know I was lost?"
The boy grinned. "I know everything."
Keiji looked at the ground. "So you're actually gonna help me?"
The boy nodded. "Yup! For I am Alice Yabusame, princess of the forest! I have to help my people."
"Yeah. A couple days ago, Queen Reko made my title 'Princess of the Forest', so I must wear my crown with pride."

Alice took off the backpack he was wearing, set it on the ground and pulled out a flower crown. He quickly put it on his head before pulling out a lunch box. "Do you want something to eat?" said Alice, holding up a sandwich.
Keiji shook his head. "I'm okay."
"Well, we should probably start heading home."

Alice started to walk north-east, and Keiji followed for a while until he just sat down on the ground.
"Huh? Is something wrong?" Alice asked, stopping to bend next to Keiji. "My knee hurts...a lot."
"So...are you struggling to walk?"
"Well, I guess I'll have to carry you."
"Ya sure you can even do that?"
"As the Princess of the Forest,  I have the most strength of all!" said Alice, grinning wildly.

Alice squatted down and said "Go ahead and get on my back."
Keiji wrapped his arms around his back, before hopping on. "Wo-WoAh!"
Alice stumbled forward before finally regaining his balance. "Em'kay...Here we go!"

Alice jogged away and towards his house, Keiji laughing loudly on his back, completely forgetting about the pain in his knee.

Eventually, they got to the Yabusame Household, where  Alice was finally able to let go of Keiji.

With the help of his blue-haired friend, Keiji was able to make it upstairs without any pain.

Alice's mom, who was a nurse, decided that Keiji's wound was too deep and that he would have to stay the night in Alice's room just in case.

Keiji remembered those memories fondly; after all, that was how he and the love of his life had met.

Alice, the entire night, was subconsciously hugging Keiji, and would not let go, no matter how much Keiji would twist and turn. Not that Keiji minded it anyway--he had taken a liking to the so called 'Princess of the Forest'.

But not just a friendly liking to his new companion. It was something slightly different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but fortunately Alice could.

In 6th grade, Alice finally confessed to Keiji, and that's when the oblivious idiot finally realized he was gay for this man.

Ever since that day, they had been middle-school sweethearts. When someone was homophobic toward them, Alice would either beat them up or intimidate them.

(Keiji had given up his old ways, since he didn't want anything in the future to go against his career as a policeman.)

And now they're married. The end.

Word count:785

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