Were it all began

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Camilla's pov:

Me and my friend Abigail (but I called her Abbi) we were in her room hanging out all day today because I'm moving tomorrow.

I was excited but then I wasn't because imma miss her so much and I don't know what imma do without her like for real.

We have been hanging out like all day tho so we one have like 2 hours until I have to go home I'm so sad

Abigail's pov:

I wasn't ready for cam to leave I love her so much we have been besties since pre-k and we only have a few hours left.
When she leaves imma post her on insta so I can make her smile when she's gone I'm the best friend ever.

Time skip

Me and cam been hanging out for awhile now and we took pictures and stuff for memories imma miss this girl so much. But it's time for her to go home.

Abigail: omg u already have to leave😫
Camilla: yea I don't wanna go
Abigail: it's okay we will see each other again
Camilla: I'll try when ever I can, okay
Abigail: okay, bye I love u
Camilla: I love u too

She hugged me
I started crying

Camilla: don't cry ur gonna make me cry

I giggled at her response

Abigail: imma let u go I'll see u again and I'll talk to u every day I promise
Camilla: okay I love u I'll see u again when ever I can I promise
Abigail: okay bye
Camilla: bye bestie

Camilla's pov:

Imma miss her but I have to leave I walked home to the hotel me and my dad was staying in bc we are moving and then I went to bed because I had to wake up early tomorrow to go to Atlanta,Georgia.

Next morning

I had to wake up at 7 and me and my dad had to go to the air port I'm not ready we have like a 4 hour flight ahead of us gosh.

Me and my dad already sent everything to the new house so they gonna get it ready for us. Im so ready but nervous at the same time.

Time skip

We were at the air port and we have been here for like an hour and it's now 8 so we gonna be there by 12

Then we got called to board the plane.

We got seated on the plane and then I went on my phone real quick and I seen that Abigail posted what is she doing up this early.

I opened insta and looked at her post and my heart melted and I wanted to cry



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Til the end-Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now