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Jaden's pov:

I decided to wait to tell him because he just got back with her and I didn't want him worrying because of Abigail's crazy ass.

Javon's pov:

I got out of the shower and Camilla was on her phone watching a movie with the bear in her arms she was so cute.

Javon: hey ma
Camilla: helloo
Javon: watcha watching
Camilla: I don't know I just chose sum
Javon; oh imma get ready to go to sleep
Camilla: okay

30 minutes I went back into the room and camilla was asleep she had the bear and her phone was plugged up I think she got tired.I decided to go to sleep, I laid down and after a little I fell asleep

Camilla's pov:

I woke up to something hitting the window

Camilla: javon javon
Javon: what u okay
Camilla: something hit the window
Javon: it's probably lil kids
Camilla: it's 4 in the morning🫤😑
Javon: it's okay
Camilla: imma go see if Jaden or jayla is awake and go in there
Javon: jaden is probably awake knowing him
Camilla: okay bye
Javon: mhm

He went back to sleep

I went to Jaden's room and he was on his game.

Jaden: hey
Camilla: hello
Jaden: wyd?
Camilla: I'm coming in here because something was thrown at Javons window
Jaden: oh...
Camilla: can I come sit in her
Jaden: ofc it's alright with me
Camilla: thanks

I went to sit on his bed and watched Tiktok and sat with the bear and then I decided to lay down.

Jaden's pov:

I was on the game because I was scared what Abigail was going to do and then camilla came in my room like she seem a ghost and she said something was thrown at Javons window. It was probably Abigail🙄😑

So I decided to text her I know I told her not to contact me but it's not like she wasn't going to answer

Jaden: hey wyd
Abigail: outside
Jaden: outside where
Abigail: why u need to know
Jaden: I'm just worried about u bc it's late (I actually wasn't I didn't give a fuck about her she could get bitten by a wolf as much as I care)
Abigail: ur house so if u miss me come down
Jaden: it's to late

I decided to go check the cameras and I had footage of her throwing the rock at my window and I had messages she was at my house. Let's go I don't know if I should take it to the police station tomorrow or what but then an idea came to my mind...

I was still on the game and was texting Abigail bc I figured I couldn't live without her🙄🫤 the things I would say and do to keep camilla safe is🤦🏽‍♀️

I was tired and Abigail finally left and I seen that camilla was asleep so I plugged her phone up and put a blanket on her and I went to sleep on the couch.

Jessica's pov:

I woke up and went to the kitchen and I looked in the living room and seen Jaden sleeping on the couch
Why is he on the couch?

I went to Javons room to see if they were awake

He was still asleep and he was alone?
Where is camilla?
I go to Jaden's room and she was in there asleep why was she sleeping in Jaden's room and Jaden was on the couch and Javon was alone!?

Did they get into a fight or sum? In the middle of the night?

I went back downstairs and Jaden was awake now on his phone

Jessica: why is camilla in ur room and not with Javon!? And why are u on the couch!?
Jaden: because someone thrown something at Javon's window last night and Javon told her to go to my room because she was to scared to be in there and I was probably awake and I was, I was on the game and she was laying in my bed and fell asleep and I got tired and came down here because I wasn't gonna lay in the same bed as her because that's my brother's girlfriend
Jessica: oh that's makes sense, who do think it was that thrown something at the window!?
Jaden: I know who it was
Jessica: who!?
Jaden: Abigail...
Jessica: why would she do that aren't y'all together?
Jaden: not anymore after yesterday and I have to tell Javon so keep good watch on camilla because she's after camilla not me because camilla warned me about her crazy phase after someone breaks up with her and she believes me breaking up with her had something to do with camilla and she's after her now...
Jessica: well y'all first need to try not to tell camilla to not freak her out but if you feel like it's time for her to know tell her
Jaden: I'm not scared of her knowing because she can fight and she'll fuck her up again but I'm scared that Abigail will team up with all the girls that don't camilla and try to jump her
Jessica: who wouldn't like camilla she's the sweetest thing!?
Jaden: over me and Javon...
Jessica: that's the most stupidest reason to fight over some boys
Jaden: I know
Jessica: but who is it
Jaden: Ava,coco, and Abigail
Jessica: oh wow
Jaden: yea imma talk to Javon when he wakes up if camilla is not wake up
Jessica: yea u should do that

Jaden's pov:

I was laying on the couch on my phone then Javon came downstairs

Jaden: hey come here
Javon: ight
Jaden: is camilla still asleep
Javon: yea why
Jaden: Abigail is after camilla because I broke up with her and she thinks it has something to do with camilla since everyone loves camilla she said
Javon: yea well if she tries to touch her I'm not gonna start camilla from beating the fuck out of her
Jaden: same here, but what if she gets coco and Ava to jump her to bc they don't like her either
Javon: then imma identify as a women and beat there asses
Camilla: beat who's asses
She said in a tired tone coming down the stairs...

Til the end-Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now