Chapter 3

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"M-Mom! It's not what it looks like!" Stephanie stammered as she faced her mother.

Her face was hot, and her heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears.

"Oh really? And what do you think it looks like, little miss?" Karen replied with a cocked eyebrow and an unwavering tone.

"T-that I w-want to be a b-baby or something...but I was just trying it out. I just wanted to s-see what it was like." Stephanie managed to eek out, feeling like she was going to throw up.

Her nerves won out, and without realizing it until she heard the tell-tale soft hissing, Stephanie started to wet her diaper. If she wasn't mortifyingly standing in front of her own mother, the warmth and squishiness now filling her padding would have been quite pleasurable. Stephanie stared down at her expanding Pampers; mouth open in shock. Her mother clicked her tongue, unamused.

"I suppose you 'just wanted to see what THAT felt like', as well? I give you one task while I'm away- watch your sister. And you take it upon yourself to indulge in whatever little perversions your heart is set on??" Karen admonished.

"No, Mom! It's not like that!" Stephanie whined.

The humiliation of her mother's words were unbearable. Karen ignored her complete and strode right up to Stephanie's discarded jeans and panties by the changing table. She snatched up her daughters-soaked panties and examined them. Stinky with sweat after being worn for a couple days, wet with Stephanie's arousal prior to stepping back into babyhood, and even stained with an errant skid mark demonstrating her pretty daughter's inability to wipe properly- these were not the panties of a "big girl". Karen thrusted the dirty panties into her daughter's face.

"Does THIS look like the panties of a girl who 'just wanted to see what being a baby is like'?? Honestly, Stephanie, it looks like you BELONG in diapers!"

Standing in front of her Mom in wet diapers and pigtails in the baby nursery with her pungent smelly panties being waved under her nose made Stephanie feel two feet tall. She clearly had no leg to stand on, so she started to cry. Something in Karen snapped. Here was her supposedly "adult" daughter, the same daughter who was constantly trying to assert her independence, the one who bragged about her good job and tough courses in college, the one who flaunted her cute boyfriend at every turn, the one who pushed the limits of the rules and boundaries while living under HER roof, clearly proving she wasn't ready for adulthood at all! In Karen's mind, Stephanie was a pervert, a liar and every bit the baby she wanted to be. The idea her daughter could be so deceitful and so pathetic made Karen livid. She looked down at Stephanie in disgust, believing wholeheartedly that Stephanie deserved whatever harsh anger and consequences she would receive as a result of her actions.

Lily stared worriedly out from her crib at her crying sister. She stuck her hand in her mouth and started to babble. Karen drew a white chair to herself and sat down. She patted her lap with the strictest of demeanors and motioned of Stephanie to lay across it.

"Since you so selfishly decided to steal your baby sister's things, and since you so blatantly destroyed your big girl undies, maybe even your big girl life, I believe a spanking is in order, little miss." Karen stated plainly in a condescending tone.

Stephanie danced from one foot to the other, whining and trying to hide her face in shame, but eventually relented. She hung her head and waddled over to her mother, feeling sillier and sillier with every little crinkle. She laid across her mother's skirted lap with a sob. She felt Karen grip the back of her diaper and rip it open. The warm, squishy pee-padding was still pressed against her shaved pussy, but she could feel the cool air of the open diaper caress her butt. She winced as she thought about the childish punishment about to be brought down on her rear.

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