Chapter 1

530 35 6

Published on: April 5, 2022.


"This guy is way too lucky",

People were hooting like they were watching NBA, except it was not. Few college guys playing against each other, having fun. But the crowd was taking it to the NBA level, girls declaring their love openly. Guys grunting over every airball. And howling with every rebound...

"Umm hmm" tongue busy caressing the canines something is stuck in there, what he had before, must be that freaking raisin chocolate..

"Not gonna ask who??"

Made a smacking sound, "ummm...Gonna tell anyways", trying to pull out the thing stuck in there, ahhh can taste it, definitely raisin...brushed??... Did he??.. freaks, he forgets...f*ck these braces.

"Gulf??" Mild snatched his phone to get full attention, Gulf glared, tongue stuck in the corner.

The glare has clearly zero impact. Instead, his head was forced towards the left. Showing the subject of his gossip, it was a petite guy with a lean body, sitting in a crowd. Looking even tinier, different from the crowd surrounding him, Meril's arm was loosely hunged over his shoulder, there is nothing special in that...

His brows knot, smacking his lips, can't suck on his tooth freely, his face still in Mild's grip..made a face, struggling...

But like Mild give damn about his struggle, without giving any freedom to his face, his head was again forced towards the basketball court, the guy flexing his athletic body, with a pearly white smile, making a kissy face towards the same petite guy in crowd. 

The crowd went hyped with a simple gesture, flattering, assuming they were on other ends to receive that kiss, his so-called fans jumped catching that kiss.

Insane, ya that is the only word to describe them.

In contrast to the crowd, the actual receiver of the kiss looks constipated with a zip-locked smile, if he can go more uncomfortable with the way he looks, it is right now.

He succeeded in removing those jammed hands over his face, "He looks constipated"

Mild rolled his eyes, "I wish I could be that constipated guy"

"You could... wait for his break up"

"Mean", "they look cute together" he swooned over them in awww..

Gulf scrunched nose, whatever, "Like, his every ex... looked cute with him"


Gulf just keeps on smacking, struggling with his braces..."Why you have record of his everything"

 Mild jolts Gulf back and forth, again disturbing his all most took the thing out.. "Milddddd"

Puckering his tongue out, childish.. "He can sweep, dribble me like that ball", "He is my celebrity crush"

Gulf averted his attention, unamused, he should get used to all this, but two years.... and yet he can't..

It was a surprise, more like a shock. When he saw Mew in his college, how many years, after middle school, high school, thought for a sec, can't remember exactly, mehhh whatever..

Thankfully, Mew didn't put the effort into chit-chat. Treats him as a distant respectable senior, nor disclosed their past, which was amazing...But blame the luck, his group is basketball enthusiasts. And who is great in basketball, the man who is showering air kisses shamelessly in the court, making everyone swoon over. So here he is, clapping for guys, running over with dribbling ball...

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