Elementary School

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A/N: Thanks to the people who still read this and put up with my stupidity... if anyone has any requests, I'll gladly do whatever...
Anyways, these next few chapters will be based on what the signs and characters were like in each school level... you're welcome...

Aries: You and Nightmare Freddy were the playground bullies...
Taurus: You, Toy Chica and Sun were the fuckers who ate the glue and crayons...
Gemini: You and Rockstar Foxy were the kids who constantly talked during nap time...
Cancer: You and Helpy were the kids who always tried to hide in the lockers or random ass cabinets... ...
Leo: You were constantly hit in the head with fucking balls... which were thrown by Monty...
Virgo: You and Toy Bonnie were the kids who constantly reminded the teacher about homework and quizzes...
Libra: You and Nedd Bear were the kids who would bend the corners of book pages... and it would piss off the librarian...
Scorpio: You and Phantom Puppet were the kids who tried every ritual thing in the bathrooms... Bloody Mary, Candy Man... literally all of them.
Sagittarius: You and Withered Bonnie were the kids that were always in the nurses office, trying to go home early.
Capricorn: You and Roxy were those kids that treated the Fitness Gram™ Pacer Test as a fucking competition.
Aquarius: You and Nightmare BB had literal fistfights over the last slice of pizza in the cafeteria.
Pisces: You and Golden Freddy were the good kids... that's fucking it.

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