I'm his

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No one's pov

Bakugou was walking home from school when suddenly he felt a tug on his shirt he looked down to see no one but before he could go suddenly he was knocked out before he blacked out completely

Bakugou woke up to see that he was in a room so he got off the bed and started walking out as soon as he got off the bed he heard a clank so he looked behind him to see a Crain on his leg he quickly

Used his quirk to try and broke it off but as he used it. It bounced back and hit his wrist he quickly pulled it towards himself "ow ow ow ow ow ow! Shit that hurt" he says as he steps back

He than goes to the door and turns it to see that it's unlocked so he opens it and tries to be as quiet as he can as he leaves the room he looks around to see a house
As soon as he makes sure that nobody is there he goes to explore the house

Hours later he's done exploring well he couldn't or didn't go in every room because he didn't wanna intrude hey! He may be a asshole but he won't mess with someone's privacy

He walked in to the kitchen to see a note when he read the note his eyes widen instantly as he continued reading the note

Hey hello~ baby
Well I'm gonna get to the point since I know you would like that I brought or as you would say kidnapped you and brought you here to take care of my children until I say otherwise I will return each day at 4:00 pm so have dinner ready or you will see what happens when you don't also you will have to feed my children they are in the house with you byebye darling~

Bakugou quickly looks at the clock on the wall to see that it's 3:00 pm already so he quickly went to make dinner he ended up making curry after he was done he than started looking around for the children that the person spoke of cause

He looked around the whole house but it still remained quiet also the chain only reached almost every where except the exits but they had locks on them and he didn't have the keys

Suddenly bakugou heard the front door open he looked towards the door and saw a man standing there "I hope you fed our kids" the man says katsuki looked down in shame

Why? He didn't even know why he even cared but...for some reason he did "no...I couldn't find them... I'm sorry" bakugou says why he apologized he didn't know

Katsuki was holding his head down so he didn't see the smirk on the man's face but the smirk was once again hidden as he spoke again "it's okay love they're very good hiders sky and haru come down here and bring keto with you guys!" The man yelled startling bakugou

Who looked up in fear suddenly footsteps starting coming down stairs he looked up to see two, twins a girl and boy and the boy holding a baby that looked like a newborn

"Yes daddy!?" The little girl and boy said to the man. The man than pointed at bakugou "he's gonna be your new mommy" the man said to them than they turned back to bakugou and started looking them up and down

Bakugou backed up his chains dragging on the floor "wait what? No I only came here for- I thought you brought me here to take care of your kids!?" Bakugou yelled at him the man smirked at him

"I did a mother takes care of them" the man said "but you said I could leave when you say so!? A mother is a life time job!" Bakugou yelled at him

"I know" was all he said before.

He grabbed bakugou and dragged him into his living room with the kids following behind them. As soon as they got in the living room the guy pushed bakugou on the couch and signaled for the kids to come here. They did.

Bakugou's eyes widened he than tried to push me off of him but he couldn't "please please please! Don't do this to me!" Bakugou pleaded with him the man ignored him regardless

The man got his baby from his other children than put him on bakugou's chest. Bakugou stayed still in case the baby was dangerous but before he knew it he heard small soft snores come from

The little human on his chest the man who was on the other side of him smiled than turned to his children they had wide eyes "wow! He put keto to sleep!" Sky said to her twin brother

"Yeah! Yeah! I thought he didn't need sleep!" Haru said to his twin sister "yes as your new mommy he's gonna have to be able to do the basics" the man says to them they nodded back at him

They than was about to pull bakugou away so they could play "wait before you do that wait until your little brother wakes up so you guys don't disturb him okay?" The man asked they nodded and sat down next to bakugou. Who had also fell asleep the man kissed bakugou's

Cheek than turned to his two kids "meet me up stairs I'll bring him up there for our nap" they nodded their heads as they went up stairs the man than picked up sleeping bakugou and the baby and took them up stairs after he did so he than took them to his room and tucked them in on one side while him and the kids fell asleep on the other side after he tucked them in yeah he was gonna care for this damn family.

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