1. Mark

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In a dark room, and a few glasses of expensive alcohol on the table. Louis, Liam, Lottie and Niall were sitting in the most expensive club in UK where they used to hang out, the Delvaros members were waiting for the other members to arrive.

"11 more minutes" Louis thought.

"Why are you looking at the timer so early, worried much huh?" said Niall who was wiping his favorite weapon.

"No" said Louis shortly.

"C'mon bro, he must be fine, you know Zayn is watching him" said Lottie.

"yeah, you know my husband Zayn is good at fighting" said Liam.

"It's okay Louis just relax my friend, the other's watching him, you don't have to worry so much, it's better if you help me clean this" Niall said while showing his weapons some of which had blood on them.

"I'm not worried, and why am I cleaning it? it's yours" said Louis.

""Come on i'm your friend " said Niall.

"And I'm the boss here and i'm older than you, don't tell me what to do" said Louis coldly.

"Come on, help me" Niall whine.


"Just help me" Liam said, pointing at the laptop on his thigh.

"No" Louis answered.

"You just help me looking for info"


"You don't have to worry Louis, just relax you know that he has a little evil side in his body" said Lottie.


"Can you say anything other than 'no' i'm tired by just listening that" niall spoke annoyed.

"No" Louis said with emphasis and looked back at the timer sharply, the others just rolled their eyes at this stubborn and cold Louis.

"4 more minutes" Louis thought.

Louis clenched his jaw and clenched his fist that was on his thigh, Liam who saw that could only calm him with the help of Niall.

"1 more minute" he thought.

Then Louis took the red wine glass on the table and took a sip and then slam the glass down roughly making everyone shocked.

"Dude chill, I almost click the wrong fucking thing you know" Liam groan.

"He's okay, I'm sure bro" Lottie finally speaks out.

10 seconds

5 seconds

4 seconds

3 seconds

2 seconds

1 second

"Where the fuck are they?" Louis shouted make everyone inside the room shock again.

"Dude, just relax! they're only a few seconds late" Niall sigh, can't Louis just wait? Fucking impatient.

"Well, I don't like the word late even though just a second" Louis spoke with his low voice and his friends just look at each other, they don't know what to say to made louis waiting patiently.

3 minutes

"It's been 3 minutes" Louis thought.

"I'll pick them up" he said as he stood up and Niall also stood up and his hand were on Louis chest to hold him.

"ayy relax louis, don't be like that, just let me pick them up" he said as he try to smile sweetly at this impatient little jerk.


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